Scaler doesn't play chords from MIDI Output of Piano Roll in FL Studio

Hello! Installed Scaler for the first time and couldn’t figure out how to set up everything in this way:

  1. I got Scaler 2 on Channel Rack, set Output Port 1
  2. I got Vital on Channel Rach, set Input Port 1

For now chords are playing great, Scaler plays Vital sound.

  1. Now I add MIDI OUT on a Channel Rack and drew a chord progression just as Scaler shows me the bindings (C2, D, E, F). I set MIDI OUT Output Port 2
  2. Set Input Port of a Scaler 2 to 2, so it would take the midi from my MIDI OUT
  3. I put my chords progression into section C and turn on “Bind incoming MIDI notes”, but nothing happens when I hit Play. The sound is routing to Vital through Scaler, but Chords are not triggering.

Can someone please help?

It seems I figured out how to deal with this in FL Studio. ChatGPT strongly recommended using MIDI OUT as additional channel. There are vary little tutorials of FL Studio + Scaler integration, but finally I found the one I was looking for and got rid off MIDI OUT Channel and set up everything correctly.

I wish there was official FL Studio based introduction video tutorial. The routing may be painful at the beginning.