Hello! Installed Scaler for the first time and couldn’t figure out how to set up everything in this way:
- I got Scaler 2 on Channel Rack, set Output Port 1
- I got Vital on Channel Rach, set Input Port 1
For now chords are playing great, Scaler plays Vital sound.
- Now I add MIDI OUT on a Channel Rack and drew a chord progression just as Scaler shows me the bindings (C2, D, E, F). I set MIDI OUT Output Port 2
- Set Input Port of a Scaler 2 to 2, so it would take the midi from my MIDI OUT
- I put my chords progression into section C and turn on “Bind incoming MIDI notes”, but nothing happens when I hit Play. The sound is routing to Vital through Scaler, but Chords are not triggering.
Can someone please help?