Studio One 5 and Scaler 2

Just purchased Scaler 2 and tried to work with a chord progression from an existing midi track. I got everything set up to trigger the VST sound I’m using, but am encountering a few problems. I attempted to search here for this and did not find anything relevant.

  1. There doesn’t seem to be a way to get Scaler 2 to read/import the midi from my existing track without exporting first and then dragging into Scaler.

  2. When I imported my midi in Scaler by dragging onto the interface, it seemed fine, but on playback, it was in the wrong key and added several chords that we not present in the midi.

Please help. Thank you.

Welcome @agwilson

  1. Just set scaler up on your track with midi and set it to DETECT MIDI and hit record on scaler (check manual or videos for how to).
  2. Make sure you have BIND turned off when triggering your midi file otherwise you are triggering scaler chords on top.

Except that it adds many chords and is in the wrong key. Basically useless to me at this point.

Is the MIDI track block chords or arpeggios or broken chords? It won’t detect chords well if the notes are not arriving at the same time or close. Could you post an example track?