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To download latest Scaler updates please login to Go to ‘My Account’ and select the Windows or Mac OS Icon, click the dropdown menu for version number and click on download. See image below.
2.9.1 (available September 17, 2024)
• Improvements
- Addresses several issues using ProTools 2024.6 on MacOS and Reaper on Windows
- Fix CPU spikes when using lower buffer sizes
2.9.0 (available April 25, 2024)
- Content & Playback
- 8 new Arpeggio Patterns (Converge, Diverge, Converge/Diverge, Thumbs Up, Thumbs Up/Down, Pinky Up, Pinky Up/Down, Spanish Tremolo)
- 22 New Song Chordsets (Celtic, Chill, Country, Alternative, Progressive Rock)
- 13 new Bass Expressions in the new Triplet Bass category
- “Progressive” Chordsets category renamed to “Progressive House”
- New Live Suggest mode
- Generate chords compatible with your progression based on your currently played chord. Suggestions update in realtime per chord.
- New ‘Passages’ Articulation
- 7 New ‘Passages’’ that add movements to chord progressions. Key-switches allow switching passages whilst performing.
- New Guitar Features
- Left-handed representation for Fretboard and Chord Chart display
- Other Improvements
- Improved automatic chord detection
- General bug fixes and DAW compatibility
- Re-introduced ‘Slap bass’ Internal sound missing in Scaler 2.8
2.8.2 (available November 7th, 2023)
• Changes
- Integrated Beatport Access.
- Integrated Plugin Boutique Rent To Own.
2.8.1 (available June 26th, 2023)
• Improvements
- Fix Modal Interchange chord naming.
- Fix Japanese scales grouping.
- Prevent host from losing plugin state when changing sample rate.
- Overall performance and stability.
2.8.0 (available March 25th, 2023)
• Content
- 66 Song Chordsets: Ambient, Anime, Synth Divisi 4 Part, Latin Jazz, Movie Theme, Reggae, J-Pop, K-Pop
- 14 Artists Chordsets: Lloyd Brown, Pablo Sanchez
- Expressions Patterns: EDM Bass, Melodic Bass, Sidechain Bass, Common Progression Phrases, Common Rhythms, 7/4 Rhythms, 9/4 Rhythms
- 9 Japanese scales
- New Slap Bass sound.
- New guitar chord positions.
- Group internal instruments by categories in instrument dropdown menu.
• Improvements
- Prevent CPU spikes when starting recording or using MIDI Panic
- Improve stability on M1 systems.
- Add compatibility with M1 Native plugins in Pro Tools.
- Prevent OpenGL crash when saving a session from the Save popup.
- Ensure performance parameters are reset properly when switching bind OFF.
- Fix playback timings being reset when moving chords to empty slots or reordering slots in Section C.
- Prevent NoteOff messages from sharing the same sample number as the next NoteOn event of the sequence.
- Ensure notes are named correctly according to the selected scale in Modal Interchange screen and keys-lock mode.
2.7.3 (available February 10th, 2023)
- Prevent a crash when loading an invalid state file.
- Maintain timing information in EDIT page when dragging new chords.
- Fix the user chord sets list refresh using the custom user location.
2.7.2 (available January 5th, 2022)
- Filter SysEx messages from ScalerControl on M1.
- Handle bind velocity based on default or custom chord velocity.
- Prevent a crash with the next user set selector when the folder is empty.
- Fix a crash when sending too many change scale commands to multiple instances simultaneously.
- Fix an issue causing the auto-play to jump to the scale playback when browsing chord sets.
2.7.1 (available December 2nd, 2022)
- Edit chord velocities now uses the user input instead of the default velocity.
- Prevent hung notes when using multi-voice-output with triggered note on MIDI FX.
- Improve Next/Previous navigation in User chord sets when using Auto-Play.
- Add ability to Auto-Play while in detect screen.
- Fix Avant-Garde 5 phrase for major chords.
- Improve Daw-Sync playback
- Fix calculation issue causing notes with 0 duration in played MIDI
2.7.0 (available November 3rd, 2022)
• New Features
- Add Live Sync ability to keep the Progression Builder (Section C) synchronised across other Scaler instances in realtime.
- Add new modes for Parallel Harmony to generate progressions by thirds, fourths, and fifths.
- Add Auto Play in browser (Section A) to enable quick preview of chord sets.
- Add Multi Voice Output (Multi Midi Out) option to split each note of chords onto separate channels.
- Add Global UI Velocity controls to change the strength of MIDI notes played through the interface.
- Add ability to consolidate chords from multiple patterns into a single chord set file.
• New Content
- Scale Based Sequences.
- 80s, Classical, HipHop, LoFi Chord Sets.
- Fixed Bass Chord Sets (Triad and Extended).
- Divisi 4 Part Chord Sets (Intended to work with Multi Midi Out).
- Avant-Garde Phrases
- Avant-Garde Performances
- Internal Orchestral Bass Instrument
- Internal LoFi Instrument
• Improvements
- Make undo/redo buttons always visible in Section C.
- Clear Undo/Redo history when clearing state or when importing a state file.
- Fix Daw-Sync timing causing playback to start early in Cubase.
- Fix Play-Quantize offset calculation.
- Remember the last selected scale on circle of fifths in the Voicing Editor.
2.6.0 (available June 24th, 2022)
• Content & Playback
- Add new Trap Bass sound
- Add new Trap & Punk chord sets
- Add new multi-stroke strum patterns
- Add more guitar chord charts positions
- Add “Minimise Movement” option in the suggest chords popup
• Other Improvements
- Fix an issue showing an incorrect number of chord/notes detected
- DAW-Sync setting now properly synchronise to other instances
- Show Bass/Inversion setting now updates the chord names properly
- Fix an issue when dragging and dropping chords onto themselves
- Prevent the Welcome Screen from reappearing when changing some settings
- Add an option to remove duplicate chords in detect panel
- Improved handling of unison chords & single notes in detect panel
- Add a placeholder for unknown chord chart positions
- Prevent save function from overriding files
2.5.0 (available 17th November 2021)
- Content & Playback
- 4 New sounds (Steel Acoustic, Electric Guitar, Retro Electric, Vintage Keys)
- 30 Strummed Sequences
- 20 Synth Sequences
- New Chordsets (Pop Rock, Contemporary RnB, Pop Ballads, Deep House)
- New Suggest mode
- Generate chords compatible with your progression. Follow Tonal or Scale relationships to build complex patterns.
- New Guitar Features
- Chord Charts: Displays a guitar chord diagram for any chord in your Section C
- Fretboard Views: New “Scale Degree” and “Scale Interval” views to explore the neck of your instrument.
- Other Improvements
- Add differentiator for ScalerAudio and ScalerControl
- Clear state now correctly clear timing information from the edit matrix.
- Improves Command Mapping state recall.
- Improved Internal Audio Engine
2.4.1 (available 8th September 2021)
- Content & Playback
- New Common Phrases (Basic, Chordal & Progression)
- New Basic Performances
- Improve timing precision - Fix timing offset in recorded performance, prevent short notes from being added to recorded MIDI at looping points and prevent hung notes.
- Add the ability to Quantise and Latch chords with Perform mode OFF
- Fix “Chord+Melody” playback to avoid creating overlapping MIDI notes.
- MIDI Mapping
- Add the ability to manually select the MIDI CC to map from a dropdown when creating an action.
- Add the ability to map “MIDI Panic” to a command binding
- Add the ability to bind dropdown menus’ “Previous” / “Next” command to a MIDI CC
- Add new assignable commands for keyswitch actions (toggle chord/scale mode, toggle chord mute, switch melody patterns)
- Add the ability to disable keyswitch (green keys) from the side menu.
- Add the ability to override an existing command mapping.
- Other Improvements
- Fix - Extracted Voicing - Avoid creating an extra gap in octave when re-voicing extended chords
- Include inversions when exporting MIDI markers (slash chords)
- Fix multi-selection not applying changes when modifying multiple chords in EDIT matrix
- Keys-Lock - “Scale Notes Mapped” profile now prioritise the natural position of each mapped note correctly.
- Forcing a chord set into a scale now refreshes the chord colours and Section B properly.
- Multi-selection of chords are now moved properly when dragged from a Section C pattern into an empty pattern.
- Fix an issue causing the Keys-Lock settings to be lost when entering/exiting the Chord-Edit view.
- Dragging a single chord with an expression ON now exports the duration of a single chord instead of the duration of the whole pattern.
- Fix a bug in the generation of modulation pathways creating duplicate suggestions in Modulation Popup.
- Fix an issue preventing the transposition of “Community” chord sets.
- Fix an issue causing the “…” button to appear in the wrong location.
- The “MOD” button in the Quick-Navigation menu is now disabled when using an unsupported scale.
2.4.0 (available 26th May 2021)
- New “Common Progressions” Chord Sets
- New Performances, Bass & Sequences
- New genre Chord Sets: EDM & Metal
- 2 new Pluck sounds
- Progression - Add “Maintain Voicing” option to adapt the suggested chords to your progression’s voicing.
- Neo-Riemannian - Add “Minimise Movement” option.
- Mediants - Add “Group Voicing” option to prevent jumps in octave between distant chords.
- Add new mappable commands to control Scaler with MIDI CC or keyboard shortcuts.
- Add the ability to bind chords to “All” keys instead of “Only White” keys.
- Add the ability to start the “Bind” area from any note of the keyboard.
- Add the ability to switch between OCT/ST steps when defining the “Bind” area from the side menu.
- Add new binding mode “True Scale” to map chords on notes belonging to the selected scale.
- Prevents hanging notes when playing a chord while navigating to another panel.
- Playback in Section A now follows global settings for “Perform Mode”.
- Internal playback now cancels previously latched notes to prevent overlap.
- Fix keyboard display showing keyswitch keys while in Chord Edit mode.
- Fix an issue in the Detect source selector causing the source to appear empty.
- Fix an issue in the Sound selector causing the selected value to change back to “Felt Piano” after turning it off.
- Properly navigate to the “Detect” panel after detecting a chord selection.
- Prevent latched notes from clashing with internal section playback.
- Fix an issue preventing the last latched chord from starting playback.
- Fix an issue in the Voice-Grouping causing the extracted voicing to reapply incorrectly when voiced across multiple octaves.
- Fix an issue preventing latched chords from playing when triggered from the UI.
- Avoid stopping playback on UI Close/Reopen.
- Prevent the first chord from being ignored after clearing the detection.
- Fix an issue causing the result of a file analysis to not display properly.
- Improve “lasso” selection on Windows (clicking away from selected content now clears the selection properly).
- Fix double drag of MIDI content in affected DAWs.
- Improve “Save” function in Section C (saving individual patterns is now optional).
- Improve “Save/Override” function in Section C (add ability to select the session to replace from a dropdown menu).
- Add the ability to “Sync” new parameters between instances (DAW-Sync, Section C Looping, Chord Duration).
- Add the ability to “Sync” the entire state between instances.
- The “Add Chord(s) to" option in the Right-Click menu is now accessible from chords in the Section C.
- Add “Replace Current Pattern” option in the Right-Click menu for chord selection.
- Fix keyboard display showing wrong marker/icons on keyswitch keys.
- Fix an issue causing the Section B chords to be hidden on navigation.
- Fix a navigation issue when detecting chords from Right-Click > Detect.
- Disable unavailable “Chord Mute” option in some Keys-Lock mode.
2.3.1 (available 18th March 2021)
- Improve pitch naming to allow only one pitch-class per scale.
- Pentatonic scales can now use scale voicings in Section B.
- Improve pentatonic scale navigation (recall last open panel).
- Circle of Fifths can now preview chords on click.
- Circle of Fifths can now switch between natural, sharp, and flat naming.
- Prevent a crash when using the arpeggio on older macOS versions.
- Prevent hung notes when using the Windows Audio Driver.
- Prevent hung notes when performing melodies with the “Chord+Melody" profile.
- Prevent a rare crash when reloading sessions with multiple instances of Scaler.
- Improve stability on M1 systems.
- Playback
- Add new Riffs to Melody mode
- New 70’s Funk & Soul chordsets
- Prevent notes from hanging when triggered from multiple sources at once.
- Prevent overlapping notes from hanging in performance/phrases/rhythms/melody/bass modes.
- Fix hung notes due to keyswitch not resetting properly after being pressed.
- Fix a playback issue when using alt-click to preview chords.
- Keys-Lock: Improve chord extension handling of altered chords.
- UI
- “Undo/Redo” is now accessible from the Scaler Logo - Right-Click menu.
- "Import/Export State” is now accessible from the Scaler Logo - Right-Click menu.
- EDIT panel: labels now refresh properly when changing chord parameters.
- Add bigger “Bind” buttons on all screens.
- Fix highlight of chords in Pad-View when using multi-pattern selection.
- Add ability to search by style in the Scales panel.
- Other improvements
- Audio detection from a file can now be run multiple times in a row
- Sync between instances now maintains multi-selection of patterns.
- Prevent a crash when changing parameters on a chord in the EDIT Panel after removing/reordering patterns.
- Prevent unexpected behaviors caused by the UI Keyboard creating notes with no velocity.
- Fix a calculation error creating notes with a velocity higher than the maximum allowed.
- The installer will now automatically move the sound library when using a custom location.
- Improve stability of the audio detection for samplerates up to 96KHz.
- Prevent a crash when resetting the playback.
- Prevent a crash when changing a chord voicing after deleting the parent pattern.
- Prevent a crash when removing Scaler from a track during playback.
- Fix a voicing calculation error when extracting/applying a voicing to a chord.
- “Right-Click > Detect” now refreshes the panel properly every time.
• Bass mode
• Generate bass lines adapted to your current scale and chords.
• More than 100 bass lines in many genres (Funk, House, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Synthwave, Trance, Urban)
• 7 new bass sounds (Bass Guitar, Chorus Bass, FM Bass, Jazz bass, Retro Bass, Saw Bass, Tight Bass)
• Melody mode
• Generate melody lines adapted to your current scale and chords.
• More than 100 melody lines to choose from.
• New keyswitch for live-switching between melody parts.
• Playback
• New re-trigger and follow behaviours when switching chords before the end of an expression pattern.
• Quantize and Swing - Align played notes on a grid or apply a global swing of various note lengths.
• Enhanced Progression Editing
• Ability to create groups of chords
• Ability to customise all playback parameters per group
• UI
• Quick Navigation - Switch between the various screens from the quick navigation menu or use keyboard shortcuts to navigate even faster.
• Update the expression selectors to accommodate new playback modes.
• Increase the size of copy/move icons when dragging chords.
• Add notifications when dragging chords outside Scaler while bind or perform mode are active.
• Other improvements
• Reduce playback interruptions when switching parameters live.
• Sustain MIDI CC message can now be consumed internally or passed through.
• Prevent a crash when loading user chordsets.
• Prevent a crash when using Keys-Lock.
• Prevent a crash when creating a chord from an empty pattern in Pad View.
• Add 16 beats chord duration.
• Syncing between Scaler instances now conserves Humanize settings.
• Prevent notes from being cut-off when using Keys-Lock - Chord Notes or Chord Extension profiles.
• Prevent the fretboard view from triggering keyswitch.
• Overall stability and performances improvements.
- Fix an issue in the audio detection engine creating instability on the Windows platform and preventing mouse clicks from working correctly in some hosts.
- Fix a problem causing the chord notes to be held when triggered from Section C.
- Fix the playthrough of linked patterns; chords now play on the first trigger after switching pattern.
- Rest chords now play properly with the UI closed.
- Fix notes being cut-off on chord change when using Keys-Lock - Scale White Keys.
- Fix the triads button position in the Modulation panels
- Fix a problem when cycling through the phrases list using the arrow keys.
- Fix an issue causing Scaler to become unresponsive and stop processing MIDI
- Improve the accuracy of the event scheduler.
- Fix jitter in the MIDI output when using a large block size.
- Improve the arpeggiator to respond to tempo changes correctly.
- Prevent a crash when clearing the state.
- Duplicating multiple chords now copies all playback parameters.
- The greyed out expressions in the Edit Playback view are now accessible.
- Maintain playback performances when editing a chord voicing.
- Add the ability to duplicate multiple chords on the Pad View.
- Phrases now follow keyboard velocities like Performances and Rhythms.
- Add the ability to transform chords on click in the Neo-Riemannian modulation panel.
- The transformed chord in the Neo-Riemmanian modulation panel can be selected with the lasso.
- Clicking on an open drop-down menu handle now closes it properly.
- Show Bass/Inversion is now correctly remembered when set as default.
- Add the ability to DAW-Sync a single pattern inside the Pad View.
- Display loading indicators and instance number in the Sync Popup.
- Add a notification when syncing multiple instances successfully.
- Keys-Lock is now refreshed correctly on scale sync.
- New Chord Editor
- Control individual notes and velocities in each chord
- Use the circle of fifths to easily create chord progressions
- Search for any chord in Scaler
- More than 100 new expressions in triplet feel and across several time signatures
- Add bass/inversion display in chord name
- Audio-Detection
- Improved accuracy of detection
- Reduce the number of duplicate chords in results
- Filter-out unlikely chord types to reduce noise
- Add ability to detect from a file in the source dropdown
- New Modulation Preset - Neo-Riemannian
- Create harmonic transformations from any chord
- Support custom sounds folder location
- Support custom chordsets folder location
- Multi-Select Pattern and Pattern Chaining improvements
- Add ability to apply extracted voicing to a multi-selection of chords
- Ability to export chord names to MIDI markers when dragging to DAW
- New Arpeggio Octave Range option
- Add ability to select the output MIDI channel
- Keys-Lock - Chord Mute function now works properly when used with DAW-Sync
- Ability to select and remove multiple notes with lasso in Detect panel
- Add ability to synchronise the selected scale across instances
- Bug fixes:
- Fix “Right-Click → Select All” in Pad View
- Fix erratic behaviour when deleting from a multi-selection in Pad View
- Fix bind to suggested pathways refresh issue in Modulation
- Fix UI not redrawing correctly after Clear State
- Fix lowercase display for minor chords in Modulation panels
- Fix empty large clip when dragging from MIDI Capture
- Other fixes and overall stability improvements
- Improved lasso selection, patterns can now be multi-selected and chained with ease
- Improve visual feedback on keyboard when binding a multi-selection of pattern with empty chords
- Improve user chordset loading to support renaming & moving session files
- Add new option to play-quantised to chord duration or on next beat
- Chord Edit panel now suggests chords at the same octave than the currently edited chord
- Accessing the Pad View does not stop playback anymore
- Add ability to Play/Loop progression from Pad View
- Add ability to navigate back to Edit View from the Pad View
- Improve live expressions behaviour, avoid re-trigger when releasing a note while other keys are being held
- Fix an issue causing the import/export state to break when overriding an existing session file
- Fix a display issue when reloading the Chord Edit view from a saved state
- Fix an issue causing octave jumps when using scale voicings
- Fix modulation suggestions to prevent octave jumps between distant scales
- Fix an issue when reordering chords causing them to shift to a wrong position
- Improve overall stability and performances
- Fix an issue causing Scaler to start its playback too early when using DAW sync
- Fix a resizing issue causing Scaler to display at a wrong position on launch
- Prevent Scaler from hanging during startup/validation
- Prevent bound-chords from being stopped when adding arpeggiated notes
- Add a notification when dropping an unsupported file onto Scaler
- Fix display issue in performance names with accent when using Poppins font
- Updating the arpeggio timing from the side menu now updates properly the live settings panel
- Prevent a display issue when recalling a saved state with multiple panels open
- Fix an issue causing hung notes when using playback and a MIDI Controller
- Prevent Scaler from hanging when reloading a saved project in Cakewalk - Windows
- Editing a chord voicing does not reset its custom playback settings anymore
- Add ability to Enable/Disable blinking effects
- All font size have been slightly increased
- Add ability to select between 3 font sizes (Small, Default, Large)
- Shift-Click on a chord from your progression now opens Chord Editor
- Further timing calculation improvement: Scaler 2 is now more accurate and consistent across the different trigger/capture modes: Live triggers, Section Playback, MIDI Capture, MIDI Output
- Prevent hung notes when dragging chords outside of Scaler in some DAW
- Prevent hung notes when holding a key not yet bound then activating bind
- Fix an issue causing dropped notes when arpeggiating chords with a voicing profiles applied
- Prevent the Settings menu from appearing behind other UI elements
- Fretboard notes can now be used to create/edit chords
- Fix a timing calculation causing Scaler internal tempo to drift
- Fix a timing calculation causing Scaler to drift from DAW tempo when using DAW Sync
- Improve latch and quantise behaviour
- Prevent crash when voice-grouping chords with non-academic voicings
- Improve compatibility for users without OpenGL support
- Prevent crash of ScalerAudio 2 in Cubase
- Fix crash/hang when using the “Explore common scale” function
- Side Menu now reopen automatically after closing the UI or changing font.
- Fix multiple focus issue causing Scaler to steal keystrokes destined to the DAW
- Windows installer now displays version number on install
- Fix a playback issue causing some audio clicks on specific samples (Detroit)
- Fix crash in MIDI detection with single notes
- Fix a playback issue causing some audio clicks on specific samples (Housey)
- Audio detection now uses the sample rate of the dropped file every time and switch back automatically to the DAW sample rate for the live detection to continue
- Multi select changes can now be reverted in one single undo action
- Fix timing of the registration popup in demo mode
- Fix (rare) crash when swapping between multiple instances
- Added FREQ and Bro Beatz chordsets
- 2.0.2
- Initial release