Scaler 2 - FAQ


Can Scaler 1 and 2 be installed simultaneously?
Yes, you can keep using Scaler 1 alongside Scaler 2.

Can I import Scaler 1 chordsets into Scaler 2?
Yes, simply use the import function from Scaler 2 or copy the files directly from your user sets folder.

Can I use Scaler 2 in ProTools?
Yes, an AAX version is available for Scaler 2 and ScalerAudio 2 for the recent versions of ProTools.

Can I register Scaler 2 on multiple computers?
Yes, Scaler 2 can be registered on up to 3 devices.

What’s the difference between Scaler and ScalerAudio?
ScalerAudio is an audio effect version built for simplifying the analyse of audio content from audio tracks.
Use this version if you wish to detect audio content by playing audio directly on the audio track Scaler is located on.

What’s the difference between Scaler and ScalerControl?
ScalerControl is a version specifically built for DAWs supporting AU MIDI Controlled Effect plugins.
Use this version if your DAW is only compatible with AU plugins, like Logic Pro, and you wish to control an external instrument from Scaler.

Can I route the output of Scaler 2 to another instrument?
Yes, but it depends on the ability of your DAW and the plugin format you are using.

Where can I find the latest info about updates ?
The forum where the developers are present is the most up-to-date source of information. Latest installers can be found in your Plugin Boutique account. See this topic for latest update information: Scaler 2 Latest Version / Updates

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