Does scaler support modal interchange based on melody notes?

The YT video on modal interchange only shows substituting chords from modes in a progression, without reference to the melody. What I’m looking for is a function that lets me designate the tune’s scale/mode and a melody note, and then shows all the chords from other modes that contain that note—including chords that have the note as an extension, like a 9 or what not.

Does Scaler do that? If so, please point me to a description how it works.

Random example: Say my tune is in F Phrygian and my melody note is Db, and say we ignore extensions beyond the 7th for now. In F Phrygian, Db fits with DbM7 (with Db the root of the chord), Bbm7 (3rd) GbM7 (5th) and Ebm7 (7th) to start the list. Borrowing chords from other modes, I could choose Db7 (root, Locrian), Gm7b5 (5th, Aeolian), Eb7 (7th, Aeolian). Will Scaler give me those choices so I don’t have to think so hard/play through the modes/look them up?

Hi @KangMingSi

Have you tried using Modal Interchange on the MOD page?

Using your example, on the MOD page set the scale to F Phrygian


Now you have all the chords for each mode in your chosen scale (F Phyrgian)

To see which chords contain a given note (e.g. Db) you will have to click on each chord and the notes will be shown on the keyboard.

If you want to check extended chords you can select the extension in the CHORDS drop down menu

Unfortunately, they are not all displayed on a single screen so you will have to examine each set of extensions separately.

Hope this helps