The YT video on modal interchange only shows substituting chords from modes in a progression, without reference to the melody. What I’m looking for is a function that lets me designate the tune’s scale/mode and a melody note, and then shows all the chords from other modes that contain that note—including chords that have the note as an extension, like a 9 or what not.
Does Scaler do that? If so, please point me to a description how it works.
Random example: Say my tune is in F Phrygian and my melody note is Db, and say we ignore extensions beyond the 7th for now. In F Phrygian, Db fits with DbM7 (with Db the root of the chord), Bbm7 (3rd) GbM7 (5th) and Ebm7 (7th) to start the list. Borrowing chords from other modes, I could choose Db7 (root, Locrian), Gm7b5 (5th, Aeolian), Eb7 (7th, Aeolian). Will Scaler give me those choices so I don’t have to think so hard/play through the modes/look them up?