I’ve been trialling this plugin all day yesterday and loving it. A real game changer. Chord/harmony structure is the weakest link for my abilities so i’m super grateful for your work on this. The more i’ve been using it though the more i keep having moments of “i wish it could do this or that”. So I compiled a list in case the feedback is valuable for the evolution of the plugin.
I’m mostly interested in the plugin being able to support the creation of modal interchange (that’s some next level songwriter shit!), so most of my suggestions are coming from that angle, with some others in there. The Scale Explorer is a good start for seeing what scales the chord you chose is contained in, but it’s a little clunky to use in terms of workshopping scales that exist for multiple chords, while retaining the detector window for the original key / chord progression you were making in parallel.
I want to be able to create progressions that modulate and use borrowed chords from other modes, essentially.
So, here:
===Be able to drag chords from the Diatonic Chord / Chord interchange section into the Detect section.
===Be able to save chord edits that live in the Detect area, and save them, and the detected scales will adjust. ^ This would create more of a feedback loop between creating/experimenting with chord progressions from other keys (outside of the one you’re already working on originally in the player section) and getting suggestions based off detection.
===Be able to edit/customize the scale style tags. And the option to reset to default for a given scale too. Everybody has a different perspective/language of how a scale feels to them.
===Be able to edit chord length / rhythm in the bottom player section. E.g. if you wanna keep it simple you could still have the eight chord slots, but have 16 beat measures per 8 slots. I.e. maybe the user could have the option to give a slot a count/beat value between 0.5 and say 4. And the plugin could give a little indicator when the measures haven’t matched up to 16 yet. And maybe it could be time signature adjustable. I.e. the 16 total measures becomes 12 when it’s in 3/4 for example.
^ Something more advanced than this would be cooler, but something this simple would be more than suffice for now. Cos even though i can adjust the chord lengths after i export the midi, it’d be nice to be able to hear it in the right rhythm while you’re in the “experiment phase” of creating your chord progression within the plugin. Cos context is everything in a chord progression.
===Have the chord player at the bottom detect modes/scales too, and have colour coded highlights for it that link across the 8 slots when necessary. GUI wise, each chord in the player section should have the capability to have 2 modes (or more??) highlighted onto 1 chord slot at one time (i’m picturing an orange stripe at the top and a green strip at the bottom of the chord squares, linking chords together and uniting them under a scale within the player. Each mode could have its own colour. Maybe colours that go from light to dark?). The user should be able to link chord slots together by selecting/highlighting multiple slots in the GUI and then the cpu should be detecting what modes/scales exist for the chords you linked. So for example, the user could think “i want the first 4 chords of this 8 chord progression to be of one mode, and the next 2 chords to be a different mode, and then the last 2 chords go to another mode. But i want the 2 chords on either side of of the 5+6 slot to exist in 2 parallel modes at the same time”. So the user would highlight the first 4 chords and click Link, then highlight say 3+ 4 + 5 + 6 and click Link (so chord slots 3 and 4 would have overlapping links, A key point!!!), and do the same for 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 (click link), and then within those “chord chains” the cpu detects the modes that are possible within the range selected. Think of it as sort of like a placeholder highlight for the purpose of finding the right chords in the right CONTEXT of the chord progression. Creating beautiful parallel modal interchange is all about context, and that’s what i’m hoping this plugin can provide.
^ Maybe i’ll draw this out in MS paint after i post this.
===Ability to remove certain scales from showing up in the Detect results. i.e. i don’t need Ukrainian modes. There’s not enough room in the GUI to browse through detect results, so i need all the space i can get in the Detect results and disabling certain scales would help that.
===Also some sort of “scale of fifths” integration would be nice, but my brain hasn’t given it enough thought to be able to suggest specific integration
That’s all for now but i’ll surely think of more! Thanks for taking the time to read through my long post!