Many DAW’s are turning to ARA development. There is a significant benefit for the user for smooth integration, quick access, and productivity. Audio Random Access (commonly abbreviated to ARA ) is an extension for audio plug-in interfaces, such as AU, VST and RTAS, allowing them to exchange a more considerable amount of audio information with digital audio workstation ( DAW ) software. It was developed in a collaboration between Celemony Software and PreSonus. ARA expands the communication between plug-in and DAW, allowing the plug-in for the first time musical access to the audio data. For more information:
Scaler isn’t audio based…its midi based. Aside from that, I would guess that other dev’s that implement ARA would probably have to pay some licensing fee which would then increase the cost of the plugin to compensate.
@JEasyWeaver Can you suggest how you think this may be useful to you in terms of Scaler or the forthcoming Scaler 2? I think plugs that need to access audio and implement changes on the fly to that audio (like melodyne and other vocal pitching software) can use ARA but I’m not sure how Scaler would.
I guess it was my misunderstanding about the ARA technology audio versus
MIDI working in a DAW. I like the fact that an ARA product appears inside
my DAW oppose to finding a plugin to add it in your workflow. Melodyne
integrate as part of my DAW as part of it. Now I have a better
AFAIK ARA 2 also allows to sync the chord/scale-track between plugin and DAW. This could be extremely handy to propagate the scaler-chords and scales through the project automatically.
@devs: It would be very nice if you could get in contact with Celemony to check this!
We do now have DAW sync. Does this help?
Hi thanks for your answer. Could you explain what DAW sync means?
Does this contain the syncing of scales and chords between DAW-Chordtrack and Scaler?
Sure, in Scaler 2 you can enable DAW Sync by right clicking the play button in the chord builder at the bottom of the main window. When you press play in your DAW your Chord progression in Scaler will play in sync with the DAW. This is a great way to loop in your DAW and play with chord progressions and arp/performance/timings settings in the EDIT menu. Tutorial video to come.
@davide Daw Sync is good. But what Hans is speaking of is something different, and would be another one of those “game changers” especially for Studio One users.
Instead of daw syncing with the host, having scaler play in sync with the daw, imagine this:
The chords that you generate with scaler, can be extracted and applied to the chord track in the daw, which gives us the ability to change ALL the scales/chords in the entire project instantly.
With Daw Sync, we’d generate our chords, and then play them in sync with the daw. If we dont like it, we generate new chords until we come up with something that we like. After we come up with something we like, we’d then have to go back and change our bass tracks, and other melody tracks to match our chords that we’ve decided to keep.
If we could extract the chords that we like that was generated with scaler2 into the Chord Track window , then we can have all other tracks inside the project to follow those chords GLOBALLY, this will save a lot of time, and prevent us from manually changing all of the other tracks bass & melodies to accomondate our new chords.
@hans234 This can still be achieved manually with Scaler2 as it already is. After you extract scaler2 chords onto your track, simply drag the chords up to the chord track itself, and enable all tracks to follow the Chord Track.
Yes indeed, it’s definitely an interesting pathway for us to explore. The stop gap in Scaler 2 is the ability to SYNC all instances. So I have a Scaler on each channel. As I update one, I SYNC all other scalers to it.
Glad to know that feature exist. Its def an interesting way to work, and to be honest, at one point I considered buying another vst that had the “instant sync all instances” ability (plus other features similiar to scaler). I decided not to go that route because I didn’t want the overlap of features that scaler1 & scaler2 has, and im also really am in love with the how the chord track works in studio one 4.
@davide I forgot which daw you’re primarily using, but in studio one 4, its a lot more easier to do certain things. so instead of running “x” amount of instances & syncing them (which is really good to be able to do) you’d only need 1 instance of scaler, compose your parts, and extract your chords to the chord track in studio one, and then let studio one transpose everything you’ve already played to your chords, GLOBALLY.
Im not by my daw currently, so cant test this as of right now. But i think your method of daw syncing will still require that you must manually lay down new tunes/chords each time you want try something new. whereas with studio one, it doesn’t matter what you’ve played, nor would you have to re-record or re-play new parts cause studio one will take your existing material and automatically transposed it and your whole entire project to whatever is in your chord track.
So if your chords are C, F, G, F, and your melodies follow that progression, and you decide to change it to C, C, G, F you’d need to rewrite all existing melodies to match your chord progression.
Studio one will simply transpose all your tracks to match your new set of chords, instantly, including any audio that’ve your recorded. So its a Write Once, and modify chord track as much as you’d like type work flow, that’s insanely quick.
That is great and in a way Scaler reproduces that functionality in other DAWs that don’t allow such. Primarily I use Logic and Ableton but also Tools and Reason.
Yes, this is great! I love all the new features.