Hello ,I just bought your product from plug in Boutique and followed all the instructions in installing Scaler into my daw and it is unplayable,
. Every time I put my hand on the midi controller it spikes out my c.P.U to 100 percent. Even if I mouse over the chords in the vet it does the same thing. please after spending about $75 Australian I would like help in fixing your plug in or a full refund please, Im a bit worried now as I bought your product from plug in boutique and now I’m dealing with you guys , thanking you Stephen Paterson
Hi @Steve
sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue, we would be happy to help you resolve this. In order for us to help on the technical side, could you share some information about the computer you are using Scaler on (operating system, cpu…) ?
Hello Ed, thank you for your quick reply. My computer is a late 2015, 5K, 27" iMac, running a 4GH Intel i7 with a 1TB SSD and 32 GB RAM. I’m running Studio One 4 and also I have the earlier version of Studio One 3.5. I started up the 3.5 and your plug in runs fine in that version. However, it does not run in version 4 which could mean it could be a Studio One problem. In version 4, the plug in opens correctly, but for some reason it just peaks the CPU. So Ed, it might not be the problem of the plug in seeing it works properly in version 3.5. There are people on the internet who are running Scaler in version 4 with no problems which suggests there still may be a problem with the plug in. Hopefully between all of us, we can sort through this as I think the plug in is awesome and want to be able to use it with the songs I’ve build in version 4. The operating system I am using is macOSMojave 10.14.3.
Thank you,
Thanks for the info, we will run some tests and get back to you.
Have you notice if using the VST2, VST3 or AU changed anything to the CPU spikes?
Hi @Steve,
I have ran some tests on Studio One 4 and it seems the AU (audio unit) version of Scaler is causing the CPU spikes. I have been able to use the VST2 and VST3 version without issue on a mac with lower specs than yours.
Could you confirm this is the case on your machine too?
I’m on Studio One 4.5
and I only see Scaler in my plugin as AU
can’t find the VST and VST3… Help.
Hi @liothomas
If it shows in Ableton as mentioned in your other post, it means nothing is wrong with the install and most likely Studio One is not looking at the correct location.
Check the VST folder in the preferences under Studio One > Preferences > Locations > VST Plugins