Do you use the edit page of scaler many times?
I don’t use much. Especially the bottom “playback performance”, I only used it almost three times. I think it’s troublesome. You might as well edit it directly in piano roll.
I don’t know how much you use?
I use it all the time. I’m using it to build section ideas for a film I’m working on. Locked to the DAW I can try different ideas against picture and change timings with the playback Timings section until I get something I like before dragging to MIDI. Invaluable for my workflow. Makes trying out new ideas very fast.
I’m hoping they can expand the idea a little for in the future.
They are fixed and cannot be edited by themselves.
Finally, it should be put into Daw editing.
No clue as to what you mean by this.
What is fixed and cannot be edited?
What should be put into DAW editing? The MIDI? I do that when I’m happy with the progressions and the performances. Saves much time.
Performance is fixed. Use different performances in edit, drag them to Daw, and then modify them.
This design is a little cumbersome.
Sorry you don’t seem to be understanding what it is I am saying. If you mean the performances themselves cannot be edited, that is true. but that is NOT what I am doing here at all. I am trying different performances to picture to see which ones I like. Each pad will have an evolving series from the Expressions menus. When I am happy with the different performance that I have sequenced in the performance playback (and each pad can have a different evolving expression) I THEN drag the MIDI to the DAW and edit the MIDI parts. I’m not sure how I can make it much clearer what I am doing.
I see what you mean. You can set up different performances.
But here’s a problem. Generally speaking, a chord can’t change too much, otherwise it feels unstable. Or if the accompaniment jumps too much, it will affect the singer.
For these reasons, I seldom use Edit for the time being
With composing music to picture, especially using underscore while there is dialog, I definitely do not want the chords to jump around very much. I want a smooth voice leading that keeps to a constrained stable musical line. That is why I do use performance playback so I can see what works in that regard.
Not sure why you would think that playback would cause a chord to change. That has everything to do with the progression itself.
Because I use translation, sometimes the translation is wrong.
I’m just eager for scaler ARP to come soon. ha-ha
Now I mainly use nexus ARP, but I can’t export MIDI, which is very inconvenient
Yes we will expand, I use EDIT mode probably 5% of the time I’m in Scaler but it was one of the composers on our team (who scores to picture) that really pushed this feature, with the addition of DAW lock it’s extremely useful and Ed has made large efforts to continuously add all then new parameters to the drop downs. Overall from a music making perspective it would be great for it to feel less like a data entry device and more fluent, flexible and fun! Inbound…
I find it invaluable for film work now that I have been using it. So great! If I had one wish it would be for the ability to set a sync time for the playback to start so it would be easier to lock to a specific section I’m working on. I make it work by setting a loop point in the DAW but telling it to start playback at say bar 35 or where ever would be extra special. But it works as is and I’m happy.
Looking forward to any expansion.
great。 As long as the discussion can attract David’s attention, it is very meaningful.
This also means that it will improve better and better. ha-ha
I started using it recently but I find it very interesting while searching for subtilities on chords used in progression. This becomes easier.
I use it rarely because I hate any sort of editing, and I prefer jamming live
Nevertheless I was only able to produce certain tunes, for example this one using that section
So my idea is that for musicians skilled in editing, and in good hands it can do miracles
If I remember well, @jjfagot is a musician who uses that section
Although I don’t use that feature exclusively in Scaler, I often do like Jamieh. It is useful and quick to get ideas. But when I have decided I prefer to use several instances of Scaler
I also use it a lot. But I also am mostly composing for various media, usually live theatre. I think it’s a great tool. You can build not only your chord progression but also make changes to the various performances used, so it’s not just the same thing over and over again. You could do the same thing using multiple Scalers of course but this is far easier to me. I build up multiple patterns/progressions using all the Edit settings in Section C and then drag those out into my DAW and either cut and paste together by hand. Or I also use Divisimate to break chords up into individual notes for various instruments to play.
It probably falls under to each his own whether you find this feature useful. But for the folks that are not jamming along but carefully laying out pieces that have to eventually sync to other performances of some type.
I have used Scaler’s progression editing in this simple piece. And also suggest it, always starting from C minor. There are 6 progressions in C minor, with different performs, that combine 1/4, 1/8 and 1 / 4T rhythms, many times sounding at the same time
I have not used multiple instances of Scaler this time. I have used the RBIngraham system, dropping the progressions on the different tracks
(Saving to be able to buy Divisimate soon,