Just bought Scaler 2, was looking forward to the upgrade but find it crashes Ableton Live 10 every time. It opens up but the loading circle never goes away, start detecting a couple of notes then it crashes and forces Ableton to close. Sadly.
Hi… Where is the .dll file of Scaler located.?
Same here. When I add a Scaler 2 instrument to my Cubase Elements 10 (on Windows 10), it crashes to the desktop.
Dear support, please help.
I’ve sorted it now, just let it go to the default location [Steinberg VST plugins] after a reinstall. Before that it was in my own custom folder.
In my case it goes to the default location and it crashes nevertheless.
Crashes for me too in Ableton. I’ve had to go back to scaler 1. Any update as to what the issue is?
I did 3 reinstalls until it worked. It would always crash when going straight to the detect mode and pressing record. The 3rd time I played with other features 1st, it could somehow have been a factor. It’s worth the effort as the new version is mega.
Did you understand why it worked the third time? Did you do anything differently?