I am trying to load Scaler 2 in Cubase (Cubase Elements 10), but the entire Cubase crashes while scaler is loading. I am on Windows 10. The 2.0.6 changelog says “Prevent crash of ScalerAudio 2 in Cubase”. Unfortunately, this does not apply in my case.
I have tried the Vst2, the Vst3, the instrument and the effect plugin. In all cases Cubase crashes.
I have tried installing the plugins in the default location and in the locations recommended for Cubase by Steinberg. My windows and my Cubase are updated to the latest version. It still does not work.
Any other Cubase users that have the same problem?
Dear developers, I will gladly provide you with any information from my system that may help you fix this. It has been more than a month from the release of Scaler 2. I like to believe that it is a matter of time before it is fixed. I really look forward to have a working version soon and take advantage of the free upgrade to Scaler 2 that convinced me to buy Scaler.
Thank you very much in advance