In installed the latest update to Scaler 2.7.2 and the installation failed. I immediately rolled back to the previous version and all is well.
Cubase Pro 10 could not find the new version in my Project Template when loaded and it “blacklisted” two VST2 32 bit plug-ins.
This is the text of the error message from Cubase: (Sorry about the bold text. I can’t seem to remove it.)
Cubase Warnings (Friday, January 20, 2023)
On loading: C:\Users\NameOmited\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 10_64\Project Templates\Mini Project Quick Start.cprThe plug-in “Scaler 2” could not be found for Instrument Track “Scaler 2 01”!
My version of Scaler 2.7.1 is working great. Most of the update seems more for other platforms. So this is more FYI and not OMG. I can’t rule out the installation error is related to my older system specs but perhaps you can.
I always install updates after a clean boot up and before loading the DAW.