I just purchased this software, but it didn’t give me a license # like the video stated. I would like what I paid for.
Hi @Symphony,
Have a look in your Plugin Boutique account. You should be able to download your license file from there.
Yeah I know have that and Idk why, if you look at my screenshot it’s not there for some reason
We would like you to have what you paid for, too.
You should have also received an email telling you how to complete your purchase, as this is an automated standard occurance.
If the license isn’t showing up as above the issue is nothing we have control over. Please contact PluginBoutique support directly.
Unfortunately I cannot find the support email I posted in this forum or I would give you the link directly.
However, if you try to open a chat and they are unavailable, you will then be allowed to send an email. I would try contacting them directly via chat.
It may take a few days to get back to you if you leave an email. However, they are UK time, so you will have to catch them according to their support hours.
Ok no problem I’ll just get a refund, maybe I should have bought direct instead of through PB. I was so impressed with the software, very impressed in fact, I thought it was just an easy fix since I have a receipt of payment. Apparently, it’s not as easy to fix as I perceived it to be.
Well, the easiest fix would be to download it as a “trial” until your license issue is resolved. I’d sure hate for you to miss out on a super plugin (as rated by the members of the forum here who have bought it).
Either way, asking for a refund or getting your licensing straight is going to take about the same amount of time for the request.
Obviously if requesting a refund, it will take an additional amount of time after that… PIB’s refund policy is that you try before you buy, and therefore they usually do not honor refund request. ymmv
I downloaded the trial that’s what led me to want to buy it, this is literally the best plugin out right now, but the white noise is driving me crazy. I’ll just be patient and give a day or two. I thought if I contacted yall directly and showed you the receipt of payment then I would just be issued a license #. Shows how much i know.
I wished things worked that way, but unfortunately not, afaik.
We are mostly purchasers and users of the Scaler plugin. I say mostly, because the developers are also on this forum, but they are definitely outnumbered
PluginBoutique does all of the marketing, sales, and the handling of the licensing. PIB is usually very good about things like this.
Have you tried logging out of your PIB account and back in? Other than that and trying to get someone directly via chat, I would at least leave an initial email and they should get back to you.
I don’t know what else to say… the phrase “sorry you are having troubles” just irks me to no end.
I hope this gets resolve quickly. And, yes, the audio “demo” mode sound always drove me bonkers too.
ok thanks, this has been a learning experience.
Did you get this sorted, highly unusual and PIB are very good at responding. Something is not right…
I just purchased Scaler 2 and had the exact same thing happen to me. This is really unpleasant, I just want to use the software I paid for.
Update: PB got back to me saying the issue has been fixed. I can confirm it has (at least for me).
I made several purchases of plug-ins in your online store https://n3.pluginsboutiques.com/ and unfortunately I found out after installation that I needed licenses to use these plug-ins and with disappointment I found out that the VSTs were all without licenses.
Can you please send me the necessary licenses for my purchases.
Scaler’s license will be under your PluginBoutique account. Click on it to download.
I had the same thing happen to me. Very unprofessional.