Name Customization for Midi Clips Drag & Drop

Hi Scaler Team and congrats for your Software!!!
I would be a great feature in the new Scaler to implement some sort of customization for the clip names when i export them to my Daw. (maybe through some type of simple regular expression syntax for normal people, not for programmers though :wink:)
For example if i export something that is using EDM Bass 2 with X0.5 timing the clip name could be BS>Edm Bass 2>chord>X0.5
That way it would be very prominent when i finish a project and remove all the scalers before exporting what i have used as a future reference…
Maybe it is something that might be usefull only for my own stupid workflow but i thought it might be usefull.
Thanks again for your efforts in your software. Looking forward for V3


Hey @omonymos Welcome to the forum and thanks for the feedback.