MIDI Name?

When I copy MIDI from Scaler to my DAW, the name of the chord is “Scaler-Chord”.
Can I change this name to the chord-name?
For Example, when I put Cmaj7 to my DAW, I want the name of the MIDI to be “Cmaj7”, not “Scaler-chord”.
Can I do this?

Welcome @Ryu You can right click on the chords you have selected and copy names to clipboard and then past them into your midi file or you can try turning on ‘export with midi markers’ in preferences/session which will work with some setups but not all


Hi Davide,

thanks for considering this feature! It’s awesome that you already thought about it and it’s possible to drag individual chords at all. Unfortunately the clip name doesn’t work with Bitwig at the moment (but I’ve seen it work with some other plugins). I wonder if you could also set the filename of the clip? (what is now Scaler-Chord-with-markers.mid). Maybe this is portable?

But I also noticed that not every DAW does this the same way, when I created this: MIDI chord pack for creating chord tracks - Scaler 2 Tutorials - Scaler Plugin - Community Forum

Also, it would be nice if the clip length and the note length are the same. See attached screenshot: