Multi Out with Multi-timbral synths. MIDI routing basic tips and DAW Setups

Nothing earth shattering here. When working with a multitimbral VST synth instrument the DAW’s MIDI input must be set to receive on All channels. Steinberg calls this “All” and other DAWs may use different nomenclature for the same function.

And attached is a support document with an overview of how to setup multi out on various DAWs with workarounds offered by some of our users.


Scaler 2.7 Multi-Voice Output Host Reference Document:

Logic Pro X:

The AU plug-in format which Logic uses exclusively does not support multi-channel MIDI output. This being the case, the only way to use Scaler’s Multi-Voice Output mode in Logic is to use the ScalerControl MIDI effect as a plug-in in front of a single multi-timbral plug-in such as Native Instruments’ Kontakt, or Spectrasonics’ Omnisphere.

Routing Scaler’s MIDI output to multiple mono-timbral plug-ins across multiple MIDI channels is not supported due to the aforementioned AU plug-in format limitation. For more information, see the workarounds section of this document below.

Ableton Live:

Scaler’s Multi-Voice Output is not natively supported by Ableton Live, as per the following Ableton support article

One potential workaround is to use Blue Cat’s PatchWork, a paid plug-in which can itself host plug-ins with more intricate internal routing options, including multi-channel MIDI routing.Blue Cat's PatchWork - Fully Configurable Plug-Ins Chainer and Multi FX / Standalone Host or Plug-In

This process is demonstrated in the following video by plug-in Boutique (not using Scaler):

For other alternatives and workarounds, see the workarounds section of this document below.

Studio One:

Studio One supports multi-channel MIDI routing from Scaler (with Multi-Voice Output mode activated) to multiple instrument tracks across multiple MIDI channels. Just set each instrument’s MIDI input to Scaler and select the desired MIDI channel. Be sure to use the VST2 or VST3 version of Scaler, as the AU plug-in format does not support multi-channel MIDI output.

To use Scaler’s Multi-Voice output mode with multi-timbral plug-ins e.g NI Kontakt, you will need to create an instrument channel for each multi-timbral part, with each instrument channel’s MIDI input set to Scaler 2, and the appropriate MIDI channel. Then set each instrument track’s Instrument Output to your multi-timbral plug-in e.g. Kontakt, and Channel Output to correspond with the desired multi-timbral part (referred to by Studio One as Event Input) e.g. Event Input 1.


Cubase fully supports Scaler’s Multi-Voice output mode with both a single multi-timbral plug-in e.g. Kontakt, and with multiple mono-timbral plug-ins across multiple tracks/channels.

When controlling multiple mono-timbral plug-ins, use Cubase’s Input Transformer to filter MIDI input by channel e.g. ‘pass channel 2 only’. For more information, refer to Cubase’s official documentation.


Bigwig fully supports Scaler’s Multi-Voice output mode with both a single multi-timbral plug-in
e.g. Kontakt, and with multiple mono-timbral plug-ins across multiple tracks/channels.
For mono-timbral instruments, set each instrument’s MIDI input to Scaler 2 output, and set
‘Accepted Channel’ and ‘Destination Channel to desired MIDI channel e.g. channel 2 for first/
lowest Scaler Output voice.
For multi-timbral instruments, set Scaler’s ‘Notes to Tracks’ MIDI output to multi-timbral
instrument host track e.g. Kontakt (track not plugin), and set destination track’s ‘Accepted
Channels’ to ‘all’.


Ableton Live:

On Mac OS you can create an IAC Driver virtual MIDI bus, and replicate Scaler’s Multi-Voice output functionality using Live 11’s MPE support. There are also paid 3rd party MIDI bus options to achieve similar functionality using Windows. us/articles/209774225-Setting-up-a-virtual-MIDI-bus

There are ongoing discussions relating to this approach on the official Scaler forum:


The official Scaler forum is also host to various conversations regarding Multi-Voice Output mode in Logic, specifically the possibility of controlling multiple mono-timbral plug-ins across multiple tracks and MIDI channels. There is no firm solution currently in place, however it is being regularly assessed and discussed.


and thanks for this post as well
the more I read about the 2 features, the more I understand that multitimbral synth and/or orchestral plugins in the market are not so common

my 3 ones for example aren’t, so the “multiple Scaler instances” workflow, or even better the “consecutive record takes” are the only viable options, and I also think that driving an orchestra with one pattern only is not a good idea :hushed:

I contacted @jjfagot to have his opinion as an orchestration Maestro, and he replied my workaround is sound :grinning:

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I could be having a complete flyby, but I’m still a bit confused here.

I have 1 Scaler Instance, 1 Kontakt instance and 3 instruments loaded INSIDE Kontakt each playing different voice channels from the 1 Scaler. How does this pencil with the guidance from the support doc above saying I need multiple instances of the plugin? What am I missing here? Is there more to MVO than splitting the notes of chord/playback?

What I think you want to say is that you need to create a duplicate track for the additional instruments in order to direct the MVO, BUT, each track is pointing to the same plugin instance (in this case Kontakt)

My Setup: 2 plugins, 5 tracks, 3 Kontakt instruments playing different notes



I didn’t see anything in the support doc about Image Line’s FL Studio, so I thought I’d add a note about my successful experience so far using Scalar 2.7 and MVO. I’m running on a Mac M1 Max using FL Studio v20.9.2 [build 2670] in Rosetta mode. I’ve tested MVO using the Kontakt 6 Full Player and Omnisphere 2. The key is that you need to be using the VST2 (or simply the VST) for Scaler 2.7, not the VST3. The latter doesn’t seem to output the MIDI properly for MVO. With the VST2 the output MIDI port for Scalar needs to match the input ports for Kontakt and Omnisphere. Once you do that Omnisphere works right out of the box. You just set your different patches starting from the second tab. For Kontakt you need to configure it the way it is described in the latest Scalar 2.7 tutorial. All of the patches need to be loaded into the same port and each needs to have its own MIDI channel manually selected. Channel 2 being the lowest note and channel 5 being the highest, of course.

The one caveat I noticed in Kontakt for FLS that is different from the Scalar 2.7 video tutorial for Studio One, is that the Kontakt virtual keyboard for each patch still shows it playing all of the notes sent from Scalar, not just one note per channel. However, even though you visually see all notes playing, only the specific note for that channel is actually audible.

Hopefully this is helpful to other FL Studio users.

Hey @TMacD, as I mentioned I’ve updated the support document with this Studio One method for working with multi-timbral plug-ins, however Davide’s post was made before the update. I’ve edited his post to reflect the updated document to avoid further confusion. Thanks!

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Hi @rogueactor, thanks for the info. I’ve been testing FL Studio with Scaler 2.7 Multi-Voice Output, and both VST2 and VST3 versions of Scaler look to be working great with multi-timbral plug-ins, provided both are on the same MIDI port. Have tried with Kontakt 6 (VST3) and Kontakt 7 and (VST3).

I haven’t however had any luck triggering multiple mono-timbral plug-ins across multiple instrument tracks/channels as there doesn’t seem to be any way of isolating individual MIDI channels. Each instrument is receiving all of Scaler’s MIDI output channels (unless the receiving instrument plug-in lets you specify a MIDI input channel). Have you tried this in FL Studio? Just wanted to check here in case someone has a solution before we update the official document. Cheers!

You need to set the input channels on the instruments you are sending to. Scaler is just sending everything out. Make sure Multi Out is turned on in preferences.
Channel 1 sends everything
Channel 2 Lowest notes
Channel 3 Next highest notes, etc.
Depends on how many notes in your chords.

This thread goes over it in detail.

Thanks @jamieh I’m with you. I’m just checking if anyone more familiar with FL Studio than myself knows if this is possible in FL Studio specifically (aside from possibly doing it within the plugin itself as you would with the different timbres in Kontakt). I know this is possible in other DAWs such as Reaper (using MIDI sends restricted to certain channel ranges), but not FL Studio as far as I am aware.

Hi @Tristan I can confirm that VST3 is also working as you experienced.

Regarding supporting multiple mono-timbral plug-ins I was able to get this working in FL Studio using Patcher and VFX Color Mapper. Scaler 2.7 is set to out to a specific MIDI port. In Patcher the “From FL Studio” is then set to the same MIDI Out port. You then add VFX Color Mapper and you make sure you have all 5 MIDI channels activated for output connecting from “From FL Studio”. Next you simply add different mono-timbral plug-ins inside Patcher and connect each MIDI out (2-5) from VFX Color Mapper to the input of the newly added plug-ins. They will each receive the specific note on the channel. Please see attached screenshot for a visual.

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Thanks @rogueactor, that’s great. I had a feeling there would be a Patcher related solution. It’s a little fiddly but does the job, so we’ll add this to the support document. Thanks again!

Hi there. I am new to the forum but I am using Scaler 2.7 with Ableton Live Suite 11.2.6. I have used the multi output without any problem by putting a Scaler instance as a midi layer in Plugin Guru’s Unify. I then have Kontakt 6 as an instrument layer (for example) and have 4 different string instruments from Kirk Hunter strings receiving on channels 2-5 with the basses on 2, cellos on 3, violas on 4, and violins on 5. Works like a charm. I know the Blue Cat plugin was suggested for Ableton but Unify from Plugin Guru is not only cheaper, but it is a very versatile and incredible instrument in its own right. Make sure to use the VST2 version of Scaler as that works better inside of Unify.

I can also use Omnisphere 2.8 inside of Unify with Scaler 2.7 with a multi patch and it works just great. I have Kontakt 7 but have seen the hanging issue that has been reported and is supposedly fixed so I reverted to Kontakt 6 for this to work without issue.

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@kpsiegel I didn’t see what OS you are using? I assume Windows?

Yes, my apologies I am using Windows 10.

Edit: I also would like to point out that Unify works with MacOS also and as of 1.9.1 I believe it has native M1 support.

I have just made another discovery @davide you can use Scaler 2.7s Multi Out functionality with the Hyperion modular synth and Logic Pro. Hyperion supports combi presets - presets made up of multiple preset layers and each of these layers can be assigned to separate MIDI channels. As you know I’d been experimenting with Falcon and Scaler Multi Out, so I duplicated that track inside Logic and replaced Falcon with Hyperion and loaded a combi patch. By soloing individual MIDI channels within Falcon (which I know supports multi out properly) and Hyperion I could confirm that Hyperion was also supporting multi out accurately.

More info about Hyperion here:

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Thanks for the heads up about Hyperion. 3 month trial! I’m going to try it,

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4 clicks just to see the price…
I believed because it was much expensive, but it isn’t
strange web design :astonished:


Yes… multi clicks to find the price. Bad idea for sales really. Well now to see how it sounds.

How many presets does it have ? I’m too old to spend much time on something of that complexity … . I’ve hardly had any time to look at Absynth and Massive I got in an NI bundle offer some time ago.

Sadly, we’ve missed the Black Friday offer, whatever that was.

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I tried the beta of Hyperion last year. VERY steep learning curve. You’d be better off investing your time learning Bitwigs Grid.