More guitar riffs on Scaler 3

I’ve been using Scaler 2 for many years and it is fantastic. One thing that was unfortunate was that it was difficult to make guitar riffs. Especially rock guitar riffs.
I felt like that Scaler 2 is more suit for other genres. Hope Scaler 3 provides rock guitar riff generator function.
I’m really looking forward to it.


id love this as a fuction. i used to love the riffler app which was supposed to get a vst release but no updates in over a year.

id love this for scaler 3

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cool stuff
a shame that didn’t start

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I also have been waiting Riffler, but they let me down. Hope Scaler 3 provides us better function instead.

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Indeed. I was very disappointed by their behavior. Very irresponsible and unreliable.

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Or they simply got that possible buyers were too much scarce?

Probably. But they still should announce it if they stopped developing.

its still a really cool app but i dont really like making music on my phone

my thoughts exactly. from what iv seen they had a good following too and then just ghosted the community the app created

no they had a good following and alot of people asking for the vst version and it never went ahead. still have a website up stating a vst release is coming.