Midi Detection switches off after just one chord

Has anyone else had this problem. When playing midi in to scaler it only detects the first chord playing, then switches off ! It didn’t do this when I first rran the progLram.but now does it all the time, aking the program unfit for the very purpose it was designed for. HELP lol

Ian C

Can you please tell the Devs your OS, computer and Scaler version. There is no way they can help without any of that information.

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Hi, welcome to the Scaler forums.

I’ve not seen this behavior. Scaler detects multiple chord in detect mode and does not turn off after one chord. I’m at a loss as to why this is happening in your case. As was suggested, some more details about your system and set-up might help. I’d suggest you open Scaler in an empty project in your DAW and try again after a clean system reboot.

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Hi tnx for the replies. Got it sorted by working through the Preference settings defaults. Don’t know how, but when I changed the Bind default setting it sorted the problem.

All working as it should now, and loving Scaler2

Ian C