Hi, in midi detect mode, when I enable record button and play a note or chord, the record buttion is disabled, why is this happening? pl help
Logic 10.7.7
mac os ventura 13.3.1
scaler 2.7.3
Hi, in midi detect mode, when I enable record button and play a note or chord, the record buttion is disabled, why is this happening? pl help
Logic 10.7.7
mac os ventura 13.3.1
scaler 2.7.3
Hi @rajiv
The record mode allows you to detect the incoming midi. Scaler will add the detected notes as they are played on the track.
If you start clicking on chords in Scaler it will disable the recording to allow you to trigger chords.
If you want to detect chords already in Scaler you can select them and use the Right-Click > Detect to send the selected chords into a new detection.
Hi Ed, Yes Iam aware of the process . Heres what happening.
I choose midi detect , I click on record, I play a note/chord, note/chord is detected then boom The record button gets disbaled and the detect doesnt work anymore. so I need to hit the record button again and start playing. this is happning forever. I tried reinstalling the software too.
Hey, this same thing is happening to me.
I want Scaler to detect a single-line melody, I hit the detect button, begin to play the melody, it detects the first note, then detect immediately disables. So I have to re-enable the detect button for each additional melody note.
Sometimes if I play very slowly and forcefully on my midi keyboard it will continue to detect subsequent notes, but even then not always.
So why isn’t it working the way it’s supposed to? Why does the detect button keep disabling while I’m playing a melody line?
(I guess the problem would be the same when attempting to detect a chord progression, but I haven’t tried that yet).