New user. I love the plugin!!!
Today I created a MIDI progression in a Logic Pro Instrument track using Omnisphere strings. Plain progression MIDI File - one chord per measure and the length is 17 bars.
I loaded Scaler 2 into a second MIDI track and I dragged the MIDI file from the Omnisphere track into Scaler to DETECT the chords and create a piano performance.
Scaler 2 detected all of the chords and the 17 bars displayed properly in section A at the top.
I played around and found the performance I liked and then went to section C to do a MIDI capture and DRAG the 17 bar performance I had created back into Logic into a piano track but Scaler 2 had broken it up into two 8 bar patterns and 1 standalone bar in a third pattern in section C. It looks like Scaler only works in 8 bar sections?
I could not figure out how to make the three patterns Scaler created play in a non-stop sequence when using MIDI CAPTURE and DRAG so I end up recording a full 17 bar progression like my original one. Is there a way that I am not seeing to setup MIDI CAPTURE to play PATTERN 1>PATTERN 2>PATTERN 3 without a break and then be able to drag that whole 3 pattern capture back out into Logic?
Thanks so much!