MIDI Detect - chops up progression into 8 bar sections?

New user. I love the plugin!!!

Today I created a MIDI progression in a Logic Pro Instrument track using Omnisphere strings. Plain progression MIDI File - one chord per measure and the length is 17 bars.

I loaded Scaler 2 into a second MIDI track and I dragged the MIDI file from the Omnisphere track into Scaler to DETECT the chords and create a piano performance.

Scaler 2 detected all of the chords and the 17 bars displayed properly in section A at the top.

I played around and found the performance I liked and then went to section C to do a MIDI capture and DRAG the 17 bar performance I had created back into Logic into a piano track but Scaler 2 had broken it up into two 8 bar patterns and 1 standalone bar in a third pattern in section C. It looks like Scaler only works in 8 bar sections?

I could not figure out how to make the three patterns Scaler created play in a non-stop sequence when using MIDI CAPTURE and DRAG so I end up recording a full 17 bar progression like my original one. Is there a way that I am not seeing to setup MIDI CAPTURE to play PATTERN 1>PATTERN 2>PATTERN 3 without a break and then be able to drag that whole 3 pattern capture back out into Logic?

Thanks so much!

Hi @flominton and welcome to the forum and the scaler community. Sure thing, just rubber band the three patterns and they will play in sequence! (you can see them all in PAD mode too).

Oct-29-2022 08-53-40

OMG Davide - thank you SO much! It works perfectly now. I love this plugin in Logic. I can’t image what more you could improve. This plugin singlehandedly got me back into writing after being blocked for years. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next! Warm Regards,