Midi capture on stop creates extra notes in every pitch

UPDATE #2: Well, I tried something different and THOUGHT I saw it happen once.
a. Entered 4 chords in section C
b. Entered 4 MIDI notes C,D,E,F in the Scaler2 Cakewalk track
c. Link section C in Scaler
d. Hit MIDI CAPTURE in Scaler
e. Hit Play in Cakewalk (chords play)
f. Stop MIDI capture in Scaler, drag to a new Cakewalk track
g. It looked fine, but I opened an Event List view. I saw some zero-length note events after the end of the chords.
h. I clicked in the Event List and the extra events “magically” disappeared (??).
I repeated the above sequence a couple more times, but didn’t see the problem again.
Scaler state is attached, I hope.

There is at least one other forum topic referring to “zero length notes” :
zero-length notes entry

Scaler-State_2023-08-18_205428.xml (10.9 KB)

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