Scaler creates notes of 0 length in Cakewalk

Hi, I have and issue where if I do a MIDI capture in Scaler then drag onto a track there are a number of notes with zero length. At the end of the capture the is a line of zero notes starting at C2 going through to G8 which of course causes an Audio Dropout.

Scaler Capture

There are also a smattering of zero lengths in the file

I would appreciate any advice albeit I have some methods of work around. The issue does not seem to be happening in Reaper (i think). This is in Cakewalk.

Thanks Tony

Most of the problems I have seen is people not turning off capture before dragging the midi. Midi capture from Scaler is not a normal part of my work flow, so Iā€™m kinda taking a stab in the dark on this. I hope it helps.

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Thanks, yes I went through various iterations with no joy. I think it best to just not use the midi capture option. If I just drag the chords in they work out. Oddly enough it sometimes appears as if two files are dragged to the midi track. (But not always). If I do a Deglitch in Cakewalk and then resize the item it also seems to address the issue.

Thanks again for your reply.

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