Installed on External SSD and Plugin Wouldn't Appear in DAW

When I installed Scaler 2.x on an external SSD drive, the plugin would not appear in any DAW, even though I pointed the DAWs to the install directory. But, when I do the default install on my Mac’s internal drive, no problem, works fine. How can I move the large library file(s) to the external SSD (thunderbolt) drive to conserve space on my main drive? Thx, Bill A.

Running 12.6 Monterey
DAWS: Studio One, Maschine 2, Ableton Live 11, etc.

Scaler needs to be in the default Mac plugin Folders. The DAW won’t see it any where else. Reinstall Scaler to the Mac Default locations. You can move the SOUNDS library to the SSD and then point Scaler to that and then delete the original sound folder.
Click on the Gear on the upper right of Scaler –
Screen Shot 2022-12-22 at 4.16.55 PM

Under Preference Settings at the bottom you can see where Scaler installs the sound folder which is -
/Users/Shared/Plugin Boutique/Scaler2/Sounds. Move that Sounds Folder to the SSD then open Scaler again and point it to that new location by navigating to Preferences and choosing the location at the bottom where it says SOUNDS LOCATION. Afterwards Delete the old folder. –
Screen Shot 2022-12-22 at 4.17.31 PM

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Thank you; good to know and I appreciate the quick response to my question. Happy Holidays!