Hi . i having the strangest issue instaling Scaler . Basicaly the plug in remains unfound in my computer even thou it says the isntalation was successfull. it doesnt show in Ableton .
I tryed everything : rescan plugings , restart live , rebout computer , instaled a second time . Finally I searched for all Scaler files on my hard drives and it only shows the sound library and the manual but no sign of the actual VST or AU plugging ,which is very odd. I never encountered such thing with any pluggin i installed in the past (hnudrds of them;) soif by n If you have an idea what is going on id be happy
I’m using a MAC 2,66 Ghz quand core , OS X Capitain , and Ableton 9.7.7
HI @Jul23,
it sounds like you might be using a 32bit version of Ableton Live. There is no 32bit version of Scaler for MacOS so it might be the issue.
Ed its not just ableton im having the exact same problem and I have windows 10 and use Studio One 4
hi ed
thanx for your answer . im still using version 9 of ableton in 24 bits so it’s the not where the problem comes from. any otehr idea wht it might be?
i aslo try to instal in another computer for a test . Same issue.
Are you using the default installation folder or a custom one ?
i guess it’s the default one. i just unziped file and i instaled . One strange things i noticed while doing so , is that it doesn’t give me the options of format to select ( VST , AU…) like it usualy does with other plugging installation.
You can try to completely remove Scaler from your plugin folders, restart your computer and then reinstall 1.7.
As you said this is quite strange. The installer copies the VST files to your system’s Library and not the user one. Is it possible that your DAW is setup to look in the user library only?
hi ed
i noticed the version i have of scaler is 1.6.1 (not 7) I actualy located the Scaler.vst and AU file is in the plug-ings folder of my Library . i trashed everything and re instaled it … they were back in the same location but Albeton still dont find them after rescaning all the folders ( custom and default).
Could the problem comes from this particular version of scaler?
@jul23 As Ed says, the plugin is only available for Ableton Live in 64 bits, not 32 bits.
I’m not sure what you were talking about when you mentioned “Ableton in 24 bits” in your post. That doesn’t exist!
Are you sure to be in version 64 bits of Ableton Live? You can easily check in the Help menu under ‘About Live’
hi ed
yeah right ,sorry about that im using : Live 9.7.7 (32bits) so defintely not 64
i have the same problem, scaler not visible in the plugin menu, im using windows, ableton 9 64 bit, ive installed the 64 bit scaler 1.8, im doing absolutely nothing any different to how ive always installed and successfully run any other plugin, WHATS GOING ON?
Hi @m_mckoy
thanks for reporting your issue, it could be an issue with the installer… could you check if the plugins are located in those folders:
VST2 should be under C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins
VST3 should be under C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
…and the sounds are supposed to be located in the public documents of your computer:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Plugin Boutique\Scaler\Sounds