The chords when recoding from Scaler are only appearing as a single note, preventing me from copying the midi notes to a vst of my choice so it can play the chords. I would like to do this because a lot of CPU is used when Scaler is used to directly record the chords though another VST when using the VST2 version. Any way to easily fix this? Perhaps I am missing something. I think the opportunity this plugin offers is great for song writing
I hope the VST3 version gets fixed soon, nearly all my plugins I use are in VST3 format, I read it is more stable.
as you already noticed, the best way to record the notes is to use an external instrument. You can also drag the MIDI notes out of Scaler and rearrange them in your DAW to get the rhythm you want.
Regarding the VST3 to control external instrument, this is not an issue we can resolve on our side as it is related to the implementation of VST3 in the DAW. As soon as we find a way to circumvent the issue we will address this.
Hi, any update on this? I love this plugin but I hate not being able to record the chords when recording live and instead getting single notes. I use fl studio 20.