I’m trying to use Scaler 2 as an instrument track, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get it to detect audio for FL Studio (20.6.2). The effect version, ScalerAudio2 is working fine for me. I’m particularly trying to get Scaler 2 to hear audio from FL Studio (like the Master mixer channel) and I was wondering if this is possible.
Side note: I was experimenting in Patcher and I was able to load ScalerAudio2 and connect audio from another instrument VST to ScalerAudio2’s input audio and have it detect the scales. However, I swapped ScalerAudio2 with Scaler2 in that same Patcher setup with the same connections and Scaler2 wasn’t reading anything. I’m using the .dll and not the vst3 version cause I thought I saw somewhere I’d need to use the .dll version to be able to use MIDI routing.