Loving Scaler 2 but am unable to assign MIDI control over any of the Scaler parameters when using Ableton 10. With other plug-ins I can map a MIDI knob to a setting so I can quickly explore different settings without endless mouse clicking. For instance, I would like to assign the Scale setting to a rotary knob so I can quickly navigate to it without clicking my mouse.
I noticed in the Scaler 2 Complete Overview Youtube video that the “Bind to keyboard” setting was being controlled by a MIDI trigger of the bass notes. David Carbone refers to it as “Using key switches to switch between lanes” here. Is this feature only available in Logic? Which DAWs has Scaler implemented MIDI mapping?
Hi Robert, midi mapping is not supported in the video you are referring to I am using key switches which is available globally and on any DAW / Host.
Midi mapping is on our roadmap. Stay tuned.
The only reference to “key switch” in the Ableton manual is in section 27.2.5 page 593. It doesn’t seem to be enabled for Scaler yet. Keys can only be assigned to enabled elements and the result in Scaler is the same as when I try to Midi Map. Can you point me in the direction of a resource to set up key switching in Ableton please?
In scaler you can use keyswtiches to turn functions on and off and also swap lanes in pad view or modulation view. They are fixed and appear as green on the scaler keyboard using your own keyboard to use them.
Search the scaler manual for keyswitches or see here https://youtu.be/eGVrscdVZm0?t=522