Hello! I just wanted to post a few issues I regularly have with Scaler to see if anyone has any fixes and also in hopes that they will be addressed in the newest version…because I LOVE this plugin! It’s changed the way I work and has given me the ability to make my music come out the way I hear it in my head! It is the single most creative & inspiring addition to Logic I’ve ever purchased!
Perhaps these issues have come up before but just in case…First, I find that I regularly have to “reset” Scaler (I’m using Control btw). This is upon opening up a Logic project for the first time. Scaler will not be locked to the scale (in any section A, B or C). All it takes is to open up Scaler Control and bam! it resets and everything is fine. It doesn’t happen on every track, but a good portion of them. It will generally remain fine throughout the session, but if I close the project and reopen it, I have to do it again - every time. I can’t find a reason why it doesnt do that on every track. Some tracks are copies of other tracks with just changes in sounds or notes and sometimes one or two of these won’t need resetting, other times they all do.
The other issue I believe I’ve seen posted on here. When I delete an instance of Scaler Control (either by deleting a track or removing the MIDI plugin) Logic either crashes immediately or it will crash upon the next attempt to save. So what I end up doing is never deleting a track or instance of Scaler. I just hide the track or disable the plugin. It doesn’t happen every time I delete, but most times.
I’m mainly hoping that these issues get fixed in the new version and if anyone can tell me if they know that they’re being addressed. Secondly, if there’s any workarounds for these issues please let me know!
Thanks again!