When will SCALER standalone be available?

Each time you want to open SCALER, you must first open DAW. But I don’t like to always open DAW.
If SCALER wants to have the following functions:
1: You can set to always be at the front of all windows.
2: Multiple SCALERs can be opened.

Let’s talk about our opinions. :grinning:

You can make a simple temple in your DAW just with Scaler. Or several scalers set up how you want them. Plugin in windows are always in front in the DAWs I use. Just make sure you don’t overwrite the template. It really is so simple to do that. Hide the Main window of the DAW if you just want to see Scaler.

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thank you very much! :grinning:

there are a number of “nanohosts” which you can use in lieu of a full-on DAW.


e.g. you copy the exe into the folder with the dll and name the nanohost.exe to match “scaler2.dll” as “scaler2.exe” so it automatically loads it (since you put the exe in the same folder as the dll). then just setup the audio and MIDI settings and you’re off the races.

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Agreed. I use Tone2 almost every day. The audio record feature is nice if you want to quickly get an idea down, you can midi capture and drag it to the desktop or save a session. Lots of options. IMHO, no need for a standalone Scaler with solutions like these. Rather see dev resources fixing and innovating.