When is it planned to have Scaler version 3?

Hi everyone.

I am really interested in Scalre VST. I have Ableton live 11. I am very impressed with all the functionality of Scaler, but I have one important doubt.

When is it planned to have Scaler version 3?. I mean, if I buy now Scaler 2 I would not like to have to upgrade to Scaler 3 in a short period of time (because additional costs and addicional VST functionalities?.

How should I proceeed?. Should I purchase now Scaler 2.7 version or wait not a long time for Scaler version 3?.

Thank you

Hi @fen and welcome to the forum. Lots of developments happening but I would suggest you buy with confidence. There are always fair upgrade plans for our exisiting users but you have time! Enjoy and hope to see you getting creative with Scaler

Thank you David for your response :smile: