Using keyboard controller note holding on

When Using a controller keyboard and the chords are bound in scaler the midi information is being recorded in my daw (reaper) As if a control pedal is on ( notes are held on)
Is there anyway of curing this.

I am using reaper daw and a windows 10 pc

Any help in this would be appropriated

Hi @Morpheus101,

I just tested with Reaper on Windows 10 and could not reproduce the issue.
Are you using the latest version (1.2) ?

Maybe I didn’t describe it properly, or there is a setting in reaper I need to do
I place scaler as an insert then I use my controller keyboard (novation 61) to trigger the chords when in “ bind midi”
As I record the notes are recorded as if I am constantly holding the keys down causing chords to blend with each other

P.s I am using the latest version of scaler

Thanks for replying

I had another play with Scaler in Reaper and can’t reproduce your issue.

In Reaper, the easiest way to setup Scaler with MIDI routing to another instrument is to:

  1. Add Scaler as a virtual instrument on a new track.
  2. On the same track, add the instrument you wish to control just after Scaler.

To record, arm the track press record and it should work normally.

I place scaler in the input fx so it will record the chords not the one note pressed when the midi is in bind mode
Also If you left click on the record button and select “ record MIDI overdub/replace” then “record MIDI overdub” you will in counter the problem

Thanks for your time and effort in this.


Here’s the issue, this is not supported at the moment because it causes this kind of unexpected behavior.
We are working on improving this. For the moment, if you want the MIDI copied on your track, you can use the drag and drop of your progression at the bottom or individual chords.

I am having a similar issue. Using Pro Tools with two Instrument tracks one with Scaler and one with Kontakt. Routing midi from my Rolli Lumi Keys controller to the Scaler track and from the scaler track to my Kontakt track. All works as expected when triggering chords with the mouse in Scaler but if I try to trigger with the Lumi Keys Keyboard I get held notes and the midi panic button has no effect. To be clear not every key press is held it seems to be like one in three or four. The only way I can get the held chords to stop playing is to bypass Kontact or disarm the Kontakt track. Any help would be greatly appreciated.