This isn’t possible inside Scaler at the moment, since you have to choose one or the other (either perform a chord progression in arpeggio mode, or with the Chordal performance). But if you put an arpeggiator from your DAW (or other arp plugin) behind the Scaler Chordal performances (MIDI out of Scaler, into Arpeggiator, into actual instrument), the melodies are marvelous!
Ambient Remix:
I personally don’t need the arpeggiator in Scaler since I always use external, dedicated arp plugins. But it might expand Scaler’s own sonic variety even more if once could choose to arpeggiate any of the other performances, instead of making an exclusive decision between one or the other.
I must admit in my ignorance (or early dementia having forgotten what I once learned in my classic humanistic upbringing), that I had to lookup what this pun means.