I just found out that the chord buttons store the exact note/key configuration. So even when the button says plan [A min], it actually contains the precise voicing and keys pressed when detected (or as it came from one of the suggestion menus). That’s awesome, I like it!
Now it would be super useful if there would be an indication on the chord button what voicing it represents. For example, I played around with different voicings in the scale menu, and then dragged over the different variations of voicing [A min].
But now I can’t tell which is which (until I click on it). I suppose hovering shows the actual piano keys involve, perhaps that’s good enough.
Cubase had indicators for the inversions of chords on its Chord Pads, some indicators like that would be a welcome addition to Scaler, I’d also love a music notation popup, a side window similar to the Settings window, but it would be notation, Treble Bass Clef and we could edit chord tones, MIDI CCs and perhaps some simple expressions right on that (dream world).
Bumping this one… @davide – I was just watching your tutorial here as you were pulling down different voicing into your chord progression and was thinking how nice it would be to have additional data in the UI without having to audition each version of the same chord!
I have to agree with @jamieh in querying how this would be better. Perhaps you could create a mock-up of how you would want this to look.
@ben_chandler what additional data would you want in the UI? I agree that “voicing 1” and “voicing 2”… are not very informative and maybe this could be improved in some way (big maybe), but I am not sure how it could be improved. And auditioning by listening to the voicing makes sense to me.
Would defer to @davide on how best to implement this in the product that makes the most sense, but if I think about the root issue we’re trying to solve here it’s
allowing the user to quickly identify visually when a voicing is different than the “normal” voicing just by looking at the chord names rather than picking out the visual differences in the keyboard/fretboard above
teaching the user that one voicing of Am sounds like x and another voicing of Am sounds like y – and allowing the user to quickly be able to grab the chosen voicing to use
Re: suggested info – would again defer to the product team, but IMO would be useful to have the following
Identify when voicing is different than standard
Notes in chord w/ octave info
(mocked up something attached – pink triangle showing alternate voicing w/ notes on top)