Setup - Bitwig Studio 2 - External Instrument Control

To control external instruments within Bitwig Studio you must use Scaler as a VST plugin and route Scaler’s MIDI output onto the track of the instrument you wish to control.


  1. Load Scaler VST onto an instrument track and the instrument you wish to control on a second track.

  1. Select Scaler’s track and change its output in order to send the notes to the track you wish to control: “Notes to Tracks > Tracks > [Your Track]”

  1. Scaler MIDI output is now routed to your instrument.

PDF version: Scaler - External Instrument Control Setup - Bitwig Studio 2

this is even easier possible in Bitwig. just drop your synth behind Scaler in the chain for simple setups:

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This is way easier! I am used to DAW having complicated routing setup so I did not even try this. Thanks for sharing.


Bitwig 2.5 user, latest version of scaler.

I have tried it both ways, as a chain and as a separate instrument with routed outputs.

I have no output.

??? I don’t have this problem with other plugins. Cthulu for example. What am I missing here…

Hi @PappaBlowflay

make sure to use the VST2 version of Scaler for MIDI routing.