Scaler for iPad will not connect to MPC Live 2

I have my iPad connected to my MPC Live 2 via Bluetooth however the scaler app will not pair to the MPC. it’s not even being detected on the MPC Bluetooth preferences even though it shows the option to connect in scaler

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Hi Jarloose - I can connect Scaler on iPad to my MPC Live 2 via Bluetooth.

Does your MPC show that it is paired to the iPad under Bluetooth in the MPC preferences menu? If it does, have you selected your MPC as the Midi Output in the Bluetooth/MIDI Settings in Scaler?

EDIT - With the MPC you have to get the iPad to advertise its Bluetooth MIDI, something that only a few apps do. AUM, Loopy Pro, Cubasis, Logic Pro will all allow you to advertise in their Bluetooth settings.

I did have quite a few issues with timing and notes getting garbled using Bluetooth, however. I now use a USB to MIDI cable (you need to get a good one from a quality vendor like Roland or CME - people report that the cheap ones on eBay can cause a lot of issues). I then use Scaler Control in either AUM or Logic Pro, as this allows the use of Ableton Link to synchronise. Works well for me so far…

Let us know how you go.

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