Well, as a jammer I need a “keys, bass and drums” basis (possibly also a rhythmical guitar) that is fast to make, so I can start jamming with solo instruments and have fun
So far I used Scaler, but I always had troubles to produce certain rhythms like e.g. funky, and many problem driving solos
These days I tested EZKeys 2 hoping it was able to replace Scaler, but I can say that:
1 - EZKeys 2 is amazing for keys, bass and drums, but it cannot replace Scaler to drive solo instruments, and it cannot drive UJAM guitars
2 - Scaler is cumbersome when it comes to create rhythms, but it is amazing to “sync” many different instruments, UJAM included, and sometimes I can drive solos with it
3 - they are something hard or impossible to put together to use the best of both
I try to explain it better:
With EZKeys 2 I can create quickly a mini-band for jamming (keys, bass and drums) without coming out their ecosystem, but when it comes to drive any solo instrument I have troubles possibly because EZKeys 2 produce unusual chords and uses articulations
In this case I try with Scaler, but Scaler is often unable to recognize the chords played by EZKeys 2, and rebuilding them is cumbersome, so I often come to a dead end
If Scaler were able to recognize perfectly EZKeys chords, I could have EZKeys building “keys, bass and drums” fast, then I could use Scaler to drive a solo (when it works) or sync other instruments that aren’t in the Toontrack ecosystem
Anybody has any suggestion?
There is a way @davide to improve the “chord recognition” feature in the next release so that this workflow becomes easier?