Scaler 2 screen size and Reason 11 issue


It seems the size up to 1000x70 is the only supported size in Reason 11. Anything beyond that (1200x840 or bigger set to default) will be accepted, but the next you open the plugin up, it gets all screwed up. I’ve uploaded the screenshot of how it loads up. Is this a Reason issue or Scaler?

My specs:
Reason 11.3 (Suite)
Scaler 2.0.5 (VST 2)


Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 3.33.41 PM

Hi @johnghadimi

yes, users have reported this as well in a couple of other DAWs.

At the moment keeping it at 1000x700 is a good workaround. We will try to get this fixed soon for everybody.

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Thanks for confirming. LOVE this new version. Hope this gets resolved soon. I need a major magnifying glass to see things on it… hehe

@Ed1 Did the new update address this? I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I’m still experiencing the same issue, so wanted to confirm. Thank you.

P.S. looks like Version 2.0.8 solved the issue. Awesome. :slight_smile: