Scaler 2, randomly crashing entire DAW

Purchased scaler 2 a couple of days ago now. Great tool, but gives sudden quit on Reason 11.3.2
Does it at random, without being able to repeat the crash by performing the same actions.
Has done it many times now, there’s no way of knowing when it will though.

Also crashes out Ableton 10.1.14 less frequently, but in a similar manner.

No other pluggin I own has ever caused a freeze or a quit, I am confident my system is stable.

Are there known stability issues, if so, will there be an update to fix ?.

Mac, OSx Sierra 10.12.6

I had frequent crashes in Ableton… Latest version is now 10.1.18… Crashes has now stopped since Ableton self updated itself to vs.10.1.18…

Cheers, will update, here’s hoping. !

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I know Scaler is not usually the problem for crashes… Plugins mainly do, (also low RAM)… also what i noticed is the J Bridge take a lot of resources (AuxHost), If you have bridging software for 32 bit Vst, you could try DDMF Bridging software?..Seems better?..… Just in case?..
If you get a crash, send it to Ableton…

@ThePing Welcome to the forum.
Scaler 2 is 64 bit only. It sounds like you may be using 32 bit hosts? Also Sierra is a very old operation system to be fair.