Scaler 2 Crash /Ableton Live 10/FL Studio

Hello everyone,
to me it crashed on both Live 10 and FL Studio 20 during note detection,
it happens always after the 3rd note i play in detection mode.


Access violation at address 00007FFFA2F262B0 in module ‘Scaler2.dll’. Read of address 000000001ED33000
00007FFFA2C70000:00007FFFA2F262B0: Scaler2.dll
00007FFFA2C70000:00007FFFA2C8E826: Scaler2.dll
00007FFFA2C70000:00007FFFA2C8FBB7: Scaler2.dll
00007FFFA2C70000:00007FFFA2C8F827: Scaler2.dll
00007FFFF3E00000:00007FFFF3E15C0D: USER32.dll
00007FFFF3E00000:00007FFFF3E15602: USER32.dll
0000000002A90000:0000000002F20608: FLEngine_x64.dll
0000000002A90000:0000000002F20678: FLEngine_x64.dll
0000000002A90000:0000000002F20B68: FLEngine_x64.dll
0000000002A90000:00000000034BA881: FLEngine_x64.dll
00007FF7FC630000:00007FF7FC633BA7: FL64.exe
00007FF7FC630000:00007FF7FC633FCB: FL64.exe
00007FF7FC630000:00007FF7FC635247: FL64.exe
00007FFFF4C70000:00007FFFF4C87BD4: KERNEL32.DLL
00007FFFF4F60000:00007FFFF4FCCE51: ntdll.dll

Hi @almafabio and welcome,

sorry to hear that, could you please provide us the version number of Scaler VST or VST3 and which plugin Scaler 2 or ScalerAudio 2 is crashing ?



It happens on both VST and VST3 versions of Scaler 2

Haven-t tried ScalerAudio2 yet.

Version of the plugin is 2.0.2

Could you try with the latest version the 2.0.4 downloadable from plugin boutique ?

i can find the 2.0.2 only… probably cause they haven-t updated the !Upgrade From Scaler 1 version on the website! yet

You can get the 2.0.4 using the Trial version installer is the same as full version.

On the 2.0.4, i’m not having any issue so far.

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