Following the same path explained here I found and sewed together some pieces of guitar riffs that jumped out moving octaves into Strum-GS set in the Guitar mode, then I added a second Scaler to feed the Hammond (same series of chords, different pattern), and finally added the other couple BB and Ezdrums
The result is a funky-rocky song that I hope you like
Notably @carlosbiab I dedicate the guitar riffs to
Here is the 2 Scaler’s XMLs
Guitar riffs.xml (9.2 KB) Keys.xml (9.2 KB)
And the screen-shoots with the routings and instruments
This time I used the 2 MIDI polyshers ONLY to change octaves for the guitar (+16) and the organ (+4)
here is the MIDI with the pieces of riffs joined together
Strum GS-2 3.mid (7.1 KB)
And here the result
I hope you like it, and above all that you try my workflow…