Scaler 2.9 causes Cubase to freeze and crash when closing some projects

PC, Win 11, Cubase

Scaler 2.9 causes crashes in different and often unpredictable situations when you save the Cubase project and then try to close Cubase. Then Cubase crashes and freezes. The same thing happens when you add Scaler to some Cubase projects. Then when you save the project and close Cubase, Cubase crashes and freezes. It doesn’t happen in all situations. It also happens, for example, in very small projects where there are only 2 tracks in total. It depends on which VST instruments are in the project. It is a very big problem!

Hi @Leander Sounds like some form of conflict. Did this happen with previous versions of Scaler 2? Does it happen in any other DAW? Can you replicate it in a vanilla project with just Scaler instances? Need to identify whether Scaler 2 is the culprit here.

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As far as I know, it didn’t happen in earlier versions. In the Cubase crash files (dmp) Scaler 1.9 is always mentioned as the cause. It is definitely Scaler 1.9.

btw: Sorry, my english only with google translator


… Very important: It only occurs when you save the Cubase project and then want to close Cubase. It does not happen with EVERY Cubase project.

Can I send you the Cubase crash files somewhere. (dmp files !) Email?

The problems have only been occurring since version 2.9.0.

Our devs are looking into this, would you mind sending a crash file to me via PM?

I have sent several situations as a zip file via PM. :+1:

Thank you. Received and forwarded. We are expecting a new build soon which will hopefully address some issues a few Windows users have been having with S2.9 and mainly FL but potentially the same issue. Will keep you posted.

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The error persists. (2.9.1 beta) Where can I send the Cubase Pro 13 crash file?

I sent the Cubase crash file to Tristan via private message.

Hi @Leander I’ve done some further testing with Scaler 2.9.1 in Cubase 14 on Windows 11 and haven’t seen any crashes like you’re describing. It sounds like it is a bit unpredictable though which makes it difficult to test. If you have a Cubase project which is consistently crashing under certain circumstances would you mind sending that to me somehow?

Would you mind also confirming please that you have uninstalled the Scaler 2.9.1 beta that was sent out privately and installed the public release of 2.9.1?

Ich hatte als Test nur mehrere VST-Instrumentspuren in Cubase Pro 13 erstellt. Davor hatte ich eine Scaler-Spur geladen. Dann hatte ich das Projekt abgespeichert. Cubase konnte danach erfolgreich geschlossen werden. Danach hatte ich das gleiche Projekt erneut geöffnet. Als ich es dann geschlossen hatte, ist Cubase beim Schließen eingefroren. Ich habe jetzt gemerkt, dass das auch bei Scaler 2.8.2 passiert. Aber Version 2.8.2 läuft bei mir ansonsten problemlos. Es wäre vielleicht besser, wenn man sich jetzt auf Scaler 3 konzentriert.

I only tested version 2.9.1 beta.