Updates are normally announced on this board. For smaller companies, especially when they are free second point upgrades, this is not uncommon. Note that Scaler are not a distributor - Plug in Boutique play that role.
There is a quirk on the PiB web site. In your account, the version shown for Scaler is the last version downloaded, not the latest. Weird, I know.
If you click on the dropdown it will show you the later version above it, if there is one.
Updates are also normally shown on https://www.youtube.com/@scalerplugin (often with an informative video).
Pib also normally put first point updates on their site e.g. Scaler 2.8 is NOW!! - YouTube
Finally, they have the convention (pretty typical) of versions of the form N.n.x , and x tend to be specific fixes rather than functional updates. So if it is currently working ok, generally an x update won’t have any significant change. n updates are generally pretty full of good stuff.
On bugs, they are normally reported here under the bug category, and the devs will respond and if they concur, they often site a time for a release. Generally this will be at an x point. People who are affected by the bug normally come back to the board to see how tings are progressing.
There is the philosophical aspect of a ‘bug’, and that is a bug is only a bug if some function does not perform in accordance with the specification, viz he manual. Anything else is a feature request.
So if you don’t use the affected function the fact that someone else has a problem is sort of academic for you. So I take the approach that if it works with my workflow, I’m not bothered by whatever bugs there might be, so don’t check. If it falls over, I visit the board and do a search.
It could be better, but by and larger the info is around, even if a bit scrappy.