Scaler 2.7 Multi Out, how to guide and information for various DAWs

I used to use Cubase 5 and sometimes Reaper for a while. I didn’t really like either Daw, but then I had a Windows computer. Now I’ve had a Mac for several years and used Logic Pro X Daw, so there’s no going back to those anymore. I’ve liked it since the beginning and it’s been much easier to use since the beginning. I remember how laborious and difficult it was back then to get Cubase 5 to even make a sound from a guitar. :grinning: However, Cubase has developed tremendously since those times. I don’t even know what the latest version is today.

thanks for the image so in Bitwig I managed to get each instrument to play from scaler but they do not play all at the same time only when I click on their individual tracks how do I fix this? I guess I can just have them all selected with Ctrl and they all play

I think I posted this on another thread, but I made a video showing how to setup multi out in Ableton, (for free) using Element and loopmidi, its a bit complicated but if you follow my video (most times) it should work and is a once only setup. Ive noticed it didnt work for everyone, but it did for me.

and if anyone is interested I used Scaler 2.7 using sync to create a synthwave track

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I just joined the forum and am a new Scaler 2.7 user. I am on Ableton Live Suite 11.2.6 for Windows 10 and have gotten multi out to work in a very simple way using Plugin Guru’s Unify. It isn’t free but it is a fantastic plugin in its own right and it elegantly solves the multi out problem for Ableton among a lot of other pluses. It is cheaper than the Blue Cat option and has none of the issues of the free solution suggested above. You are totally inside of the Ableton environment so you can cut and paste your midi, sync to the DAW tempo, and record right to your tracks, etc.

Inside Ableton Live just put Unify on a new track and set the midi in to whatever controller and channel you want to use to control Unify. Open Unify and add a midi layer. Add Scaler 2.7 to the midi layer making sure to use the VST2 version. Now, in Unify, add an empty instrument layer and then substitute for the instrument of your choice. Using Kontakt as an example, you would substitute Kontakt and then add your various Kontakt instruments. Make sure the Unify midi input for the Kontakt instrument layer comes from your Scaler 2.7 midi instrument in Unify. In my case, I selected Kirk Hunter Orchestral Strings and Bass, Cello, Viola, and Violin instruments. I made sure that they were on midi channels 2-5 so that the lowest notes went to the Bass strings, next lowest to Cellos, etc up to Violins on channel 5.

Now, when I play from my keyboard midi controller on channel 1 into Unify, it will take that input and route it to Scaler which will, in turn, route the Multi Midi out to Kontakt and I have a proper orchestral divisi.

This also works with any other multi capable instrument such as Falcon, Avenger, or Omnisphere. Unify is phenomenal for a lot of reasons but it is really great for this particular use.

First post here… I’m new to Scalar in Logic and LOVING IT. Question about the amazing MV feature, please bear with my newbie consciousness.

If I’m not using a multi-timbral plugin with MV and want to route the MV output from Scalar to multiple instruments, the way I’m getting it to work now is a bit of a kludge.

  1. I make four channels, each with a separate instrument.

  2. I go into the MIDI environment, bring up the Monitor and assign midi channels 1-4 to the four tracks I’ve just made.

  3. Drag the MIDI Monitor into a new channel.

Now, the only way I’m able to get the Scalar MV data to drive those four channels is to drag the MIDI data from Scalar’s section 3 into the Monitor track. That works great, but I’m trying to figure out how to drive Scalar into the MIDI monitor directly, and since the monitor track can’t accept an instrument, I’m stuck. I’m sure there’s some better way to do this. ?? Thanks!

PS: I did see a note about an AU limitation in Logic that might make this impossible. So I took advantage of some Black Friday sales, bit the bullet and purchased a few more of the Kontakt libraries so I can use this feature effectively. MV from Scalar is incredible!!!


Welcome to the forum. I am not a Logic user, but check the post Multi Out with Multi-timbral synths. MIDI routing basic tips and DAW Setups

This contains a link to an Ableton help article on setting up a virtual midi bus in logic, which you may find helpful that may solve your challenge.

Hi @yostopia, glad to hear you’re enjoying Scaler! As per the document linked to at the top of this thread, you are limited to using multi-timbral plugins such as Kontakt with Scaler’s Multi-Voice Output in Logic. This is indeed due to AU plug-ins being unable to output MIDI.

The only way around this as far as I can tell is to use the ScalerControl plug-in as a MIDI effect in front of a multi-timbral plug-in.

Thanks! That thread (and pdf) is very helpful. I bit the bullet today and (since there are some good BF sales going on) fleshed out my Kontakt library, which has been long in coming. (Today was a bit of a nightmare to get everything installed, but I’m in good shape now with plenty of MV plugin support.). Very excited to dive in tomorrow!

Thanks Tristan… I’m Scalar’s biggest new fan! A friend sent me a demo of a song he’s been working on with just guitar and vocal tracks at noon and by 3pm I sent him back a first draft of a full arrangement of the tune with keys, bass and multiple string parts. Scalar is a dream come TRUE! And now that I have a set of Kontakt plugins I can start experimenting with MVO.


so far I try - in vain - to realize Multi Out with Scaler iOS 2.8.1 and Cubasis 3.5 on iPad. Either it doesn’t work at all or I’m still doing something seriously wrong. Has anyone ever tried this and was successful?

Are you sure that your plugins are able to use Multi-Out?

Just one of my orchestral plugins can use this feature, while other plugins cannot do it

Moreover, in my Bitwig for example, I must set the plugin to receive all channels, or just the channel(s) it can use, otherwise nothing happens