I am using scaler from version 1.1
Of course scaler 1.1 was used without problems
Scaler 1.2 was used without problem
However, after installing 1.5, then I start up FL studio 20 and try to use the scaler as usual, it will become attached screen state and it can not be used
What’s the reason?
Hi @hiro,
thanks for reporting your issue here. I think it might come from the resolution of your computer being too small to display Scaler’s window in full. There are buttons to close the startup guide located at the bottom right of the screen that we can’t see here in your screenshot.
Try to increase the resolution on your system and see if it works better.
Thank you for your reply. Although it seems that the resolution is low, I seem to be unable to change the resolution, so I configured the setting to hide the Windows 10 taskbar and I could see the lower right of the Scaler Thank you for telling me that it is because I can not click on the lower right of Scaler
Thank you,cheers
I am having this same issue and can not reslove it i’ve hid the task bar and followed the instructions that were given about the resolution. Is there anything else I can do?
I made settings to hide the Windows 10 taskbar
Then I can see the lower right part of the Scaler that I could not see until then
Scaler 1.5 and later will not work unless the bottom right part is visible
Because there is a button to start at the bottom right
Another thing that can be considered is to change the display resolution of the computer
How many inches is the your display?
Is your pc a note? Or is it a desktop?
its like 12x7 in screen laptop. What display resolution should I change to?
I’ve done both resolution change and hiding the taskbar
Hey @ryguy,
You can also try to disable the guide by editing this file directly:
MacOS: /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Plugin Boutique/Scaler/Scaler.settings
Windows: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Scaler\Scaler.settings
You will find a list of properties like this:
<VALUE name="sound" val="1"/>
<VALUE name="playbackSound" val="1"/>
<VALUE name="tooltips" val="0"/>
<VALUE name="guide" val="0"/>
Changing the “guide” value to 0 will prevent it from showing when Scaler starts.
We are looking at a proper way to fix this issue for users with smaller resolutions, but this should help mitigate the issue in the meantime.
scaler.settings is not coming up when i got to scaler it was just documents, sounds, and unins000
My path was c:\users\public\public documents\plugin boutique\scaler
when i followed the path you sent it sent me to the scaler installation
You are looking at the Public User’s folder. There must be another folder with your username in which you can find the Scaler.settings file.
To open the AppData folder on Windows 10, 8 & 7:
- Open File Explorer/Windows Explorer.
- Type %AppData% into the address bar and hit enter .
I must have done something wrong my appdata is under default.migrated but there is nothing in there for scaler
im just gonna uninstall it then reinstall
Are there any updates coming soon
1.7 due very soon!
I’m looking forward to it I’ve had this program since the end of december and I have yet to be able to use it because the program is to large to fit my laptop screen. Is this gonna be something that will be fixed in 1.7
Hi @ryguy,
yes, we have allowed users to resize down to 840*588 instead of (1000*700) which should fit even on the smallest screens/resolutions.
We will post an announcement on the forum when the update is available.
ok I thank ya’ll for responding and being helpful
any updates on the resize i purchased this product in December and have yet to use it really really disappointed
Hi @ryguy
have you tried using 1.7 and if yes have you noticed any improvement ?