Recording Scaler 2 MIDI output in Bitwig, some delay in timing of notes is introduced

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to understand why some timeshifting of notes is occurring when I record Scaler 2’s note output on another instrument track in Bitwig:

I record MIDI to “ˆrec” instrument track where the input is Note Transpose effect from previous “synplant lead 2” track, there is no time delaying on the track that is source of MIDI coming to “ˆrec”, and humanization is completely turned off in Scaler 2. Tried also making Scaler 2 to be the input of “ˆrec” track, it’s the same: some miniscule amount of delay is introduced to every recording note.

It’s not that is much of a problem, because I can additionally quantize and humanize notes in clip itself, so they randomly start a small time also before they should play, but it’s one more step not needed.

I’m doing this in a context of attempting to make better humanization than the Humanize native Bitwig machine offers. So that is another problem I tried to solve with Time Shift and Note Delay note effects in Bitwig, but it again somehow turns out that you can’t record their work properly to Clip, only to Arranger. That is some other problem completely, but you’re welcome if you know how to do it.

Posting this here because Scaler 2 seemingly outputs notes with a little delay, or maybe Bitwig is introducing such delay, but I doubt.

Here’s the video I recorded showing this problem: