I have a question about the artists listed in the Scaler program such as Josh Abrahams and Davide Carbone. Did they contribute the chord progressions to this program or are they based on songs they composed? Are they royalty free for us to use in our tunes? I think we’re safe because to my knowledge chord progressions can’t be copyrighted. Just wondering.
John Bowen
Hi John,
All artists contributions are from the artists themselves and you are 100% able to use those chords in your own productions and compositions. We only ask that users don’t use our chords in other software or midi sample packs as that would be infringing on our IP.
Hope that answers your Q!
Thanks. But I’m a bit worried. In addition to Scaler, I use Toontrack’s EZ Keys which has an articulation browser. I take block chords generated in Scaler and run them through the browser in EZ Keys to make unique articulations that are played in the EZ Keys piano. I did this with a recent project which I’m quite proud of because the chord voicings in the Scaler chords were so neat with the articulation from EZ Keys. If this offends your copyright EULA I will delete the song, but I’m hoping I won’t have to.
John B
Hi Johnbee,
Sorry I may have confused you and not being clear. You can use the chords in any way you want to make your own tracks (for private or commercial use), you are just not allowed to use the chord sets or any of our IP to create a piece of your own software or a chord based sample pack for example.
Whew! I’m so relieved. I’ve been waiting all day for you to get back to me. I was really worried. I’m working on another project with chords from Scaler. I love the program. Now I can continue without worry.