Would it be possible to change presets via program change? Would be useful when playing live. (Ps Make sure they don’t stop the daw audio stream when loading.)
Awesome and fun plugin! Thanks
Would it be possible to change presets via program change? Would be useful when playing live. (Ps Make sure they don’t stop the daw audio stream when loading.)
Awesome and fun plugin! Thanks
Hi @Kirkwood
Are you talking about changing the selected chord set or being able to save a complete session and recall it and navigate through them by program change?
It would be possible to add this in a future version, we just have to define what would be the most useful use of program presets.
Thanks for the suggestion and supporting Scaler,
Wow thanks for your reply.
I was thinking chord set would be sufficient. I’m not sure what is easiest or makes sense to implement. You guys get to see the longer vision of the tool
My main goal is to have a couple chord sets to load and I can play them live with my unused hand. I like the chord sets because of the inversions you can lay down.
I could see wanting to have some of the strumming/playback features stored in each set.
Maybe others could could chime in?
@Kirkwood Stay tuned on this ; )
Any updates on program change to access presets?
Yes, in Scaler2 you will be able to navigate between multiple progression using keyswitches.
This isn’t going to be integrated in the chordset navigation directly, but you will be able to copy the chordsets you want in the builder then switch between the different builder sections with one hand and triggering chords with the other one.
There will also be the ability to set articulation (arp/strum/expressions) as well as timing/repeat per chord.
This should help you achieve what you’re trying to do.
Its close to what i’m looking for. but still requires me to have the plugin on screen. i’m wanting to achieve this remotely with having my laptop closed.
The update sounds great tho. looking forward to it!
You will need to prepare your session at some point using the screen. But when recalling your project you will be able to trigger and navigate through your selected chords without looking at the screen.