[Note : you can do all this in Live, but I find setting up the tiny key ranges in the effects rack fiddly and tedious. ]
I have been looking again at Spitfire’s BBC SO, I wanted a simpler way to link to Scaler rather than the heavyweight templates provided for Live. I have found Catabile very useful, and it has really excellent (and simple to use) midi handling
Step one was to set up output midi ports with loopMIDI
creating one port for each instrument I wanted to use
Step two was to fire up Catabile, and add the ports under ‘tools/ options / MIDI ports’
Here you see the ‘alto_flute’ and ‘bassoon’ ports being added. The ports now have to be made visible in the ‘routing’ panel in Cantabile. You can mange channels here, but in this case, we leave the setting at ‘Omni’
We now want to filter the MIDI from Scaler and route it to the chosen port, and suppress out of range notes
here we are setting the alto-flute range for MIDI notes 60 through 96.
{note to orchestral folk // this is an example… I don’t really know what the alto flute range should be… so this is off Google}
We are now ready to wire up
My work was done in Ableton Live, but other DAWs will be similar. In live, the ports should appear automatically.
Now set up a MIDI track for each port so
and we are ready to go.
For a test, I loaded ‘Touching’ in the ‘Cinematic’ song group, and duplicated the pattern; on the edit page I changed the pitch for the second patter to test it brought in the instruments on the lower register. This is all super crude with no MIDI editing and no effects processing / mastering on the recording, but just to show the approach works.
Listen at http://www.starcluster.co.uk/divisi
Cantabile has very good routing and filtering capabilities ; check the list of functions in the channel filter / rules page (never mind what they do, just count them)
More in a following post, but this should give an idea of how the approach can work. There are a number of ways to work with multiple Scalers, but (am I am still testing) it appears to work with MIDI merge, which will open the scope up, if this performs properly.