No Update Link Found In My Account

I recently went to update my scaler from 1.2 to 1.6 but after following instructions I found online to go to my pluginboutique account, I found no update link.
My scaler is registered to my usual email address which is also the one I’m connected to pluginboutique with, but even my purchase history is blank. Should that not have the date I purchased Scaler? Anyone else experience this problem? I’ve tried emailing them but got no response as of yet.


Thanks for reporting your issue and sorry about the inconvenience, I have sent you a private message with download links.


Hi, I just got them. Thanks very much and thanks for the very fast reply also!

Hi, I just installed it but now its saying that its a demo version? But I was registered for 1.2? When I click on register a file licence I’m not sure where that is? I thought I was registered.

Hi @matchboxyouth,

You can find your license file in your plugin boutique account:
Simply download it somewhere on your computer then point to it when prompted to in Scaler.

If you still can’t access your purchase under the products tab, I would suggest trying to contact the PIB support again.