Feedback to developers. I am a newbie here and I would like to give my impressions. I have been into computer music for 30 years and own countless VSTs.
I find the interface very counterintuitive, lots of things are hidden away in corners that are not making a lot of sense to me. I find wierd behaviours such as I suddenly found parts of the GUI go missing and the way I got them back is to close the part 1, then it all appeared again.
Now I know that I may bed doing things wrong, but its not straightword to do things right. I am interested in dragging chords into Cubase 12 (Win 11) and revoicing using orchestral packages. I am loosing notes in the MIDI, getting wierd MIDI behaviours such as high pitched sustained whines, garbled sounds, complete silence. I am having to wipe my work and start again frequently.
I think the interface could be much more intuitive and the bugs need sorting out. I can’t yet enumerate them but I am experiencibng a lot.
The product is very innovative, i hope it improves
Why can’t they be enumerated ? I don’t quite know what this means, but It’s actually quite hard for the developers to fix a problem which hasn’t been articulated.
The many bugs (“a lot”) you have found can only be dealt with if you provide a set of repeatable steps evidencing each one, then report it here. You will find the devs very responsive, but they are weak on clairvoyance.
I realize that there is a learning curve to new software that some users don’t like. I have some questions for you since I use Scaler in Cubase everyday and have experienced absolutely non of the problems you are having.
1 Have you followed the tutorials @davide has released? These cover 90% of the things most uses have problems with. They are all very well made and I would suggest watching and following along with at least a couple of them.
2 Have you read through the manual at least once. It’s a great way to acquaint yourself the the GUI. It was the first thing I did over morning tea.
Cubase can send MIDI to any number of tracks, as can most every modern DAW. If you note my routing in you first post the other day, that applies to any track you want to attach to Scaler. I use Scaler in Cubase 11 and 12, Nuendo 11 and 12 and never had any issues either dragging and dropping MIDI from Scaler or just recording the MIDI to a track. I make sure the timing I have set up in the DAW matches Scaler.
It’s 4 AM here so I’m not a the computer but I’ll check back in the morning.
Rest assured there are thousands of people using Scaler to make music. I use it to make music for films. I wish I would have had it 20 years ago. It’s sheer brilliance is only surpassed by its ease of use. But I still find new things to do with Scaler all the time.
Now off to sleep.
you say you can’t enumerate the bugs but you do need to describe these bugs else
In my use of Scaler on Windows 10 in Ableton Live and Reaper I have found very few bugs and none that I would describe as critical. So to move this on, can you describe the critical or serious bugs that you have found, please? Without your input on this I doubt if the developers can resolve these issues.
I did notice that when dragging from the chord section (3) into Cubase, there notes/chords sometimes were a bit strange. The way to get this to work better, is either use the midi capture and then drag from that menu or just record midi directly on the track as Scaler plays.
I had some notes overlapping, and also different notes on chords. It’s been a while since I tried by just dragging, so I would have to check again to see if the behavior is the same.